Ellen's POV

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I look into Patrick's eyes, confused as to why he stopped kissing in the middle of the scene. The second I looked into his ice blue eyes I knew something wasn't right. He looked concerned and...and a little scared.
"Paddy?" I asked. He just kept staring at me. And all of a sudden, his eyes close and he collapsed onto the floor.
"Patrick!" I scream. I look at his limp body through my teary eyes. I faintly hear voices in the background. I think Shonda is calling 911. All I can focus on is Patrick. My best friend. I lean down and try to shake him awake.
"Patrick! Wake up! Please!" I shout. I'm pushed out of the way by a paramedic. I try to fight back. I need to be next to him. He can't do this alone. I can't do this alone.
"No! Patrick! Open your eyes! Stop messing around, it isn't funny. Paddie." I wail. I look around. Most of the cast has gathered into the room. Eric approaches me and the paramedic trying to hold me back. I thought he was going to help me and make this damn paramedic let me go. But instead he grabs my arms and pulls me farther away from Patrick. I start hitting his chest and shouting, "Let me go, damn it! I need Patrick!" Suddenly I'm outside. It's hot. And bright. Tears are still running down my face like a river. But I'm not wailing anymore. I'm silently crying. I realize that I can't feel anything. I'm not recognizing my surroundings. I'm numb. Almost as if a part of me were still in the room. Still with Patrick.
"Let's go to the hospital and wait for Patrick." Eric suggests. All I can do is slightly nod. He helps me into the car and buckles me in.
The next thing I remember is sitting in the waiting room surrounded by the cast. Sitting right across from me is Jill. She hasn't stopped crying since she came in. By now, my face is expressionless. No tears. No whimpers.
But here she sits bawling her eyes out and it makes me angry for some reason. All I can think is, you barely know him. You're always fighting with him, he wouldn't want you here. I scold myself for thinking such things. She is his wife. He would need his wife.
And suddenly I feel out of place. I stand up and start to make my way down the hallway. I don't know where I'm going. I just keep walking. I go through doors. I walk up stairs. Lots of stairs.
I wind up on the roof staring at the city. Everything is so beautiful from above. So pure. Patrick would love it up here. I thought. He has always enjoyed being outside. He sees the good in everything. He's my best friend. My best friend is married. And he is in the hospital. And I don't know what's wrong with him.
My phone starts to buzz. I look at the caller ID half expecting to see Patrick's name. And that makes my heart hurt all over again as I remember why his name wouldn't pop up.
I concentrate on my phone and realize Chris is calling me. I answer.
"Hello?" I croak. I realize this is the first time I've talked since I was with Paddie.
"Ellen. Where are you?" he asks.
"On the roof."
"Well what are you doing up there?"
I don't reply. I have nothing to say. I don't even know why I'm up here.
"Patrick's doctor just came." he says. Now I'm listening.
"They are still unsure what caused the incident. For now, he is in a coma. They're not sure how long he will be in a state of comatose. Could be hours, could be weeks, it could even be years. I'm sorry babe." he says. I gasp. Tears flow down my face once again and my knees buckle. I collapse to the ground and start crying. I need Patrick now more than ever.
"Will you come downstairs Ellen?" he asks impatiently. I couldn't believe him. Patrick would've come up to get me. He would've held me and rubbed my back and told me to take my time. That he is here for me. But Patrick is in a coma. And Chris wants to go home. So I head downstairs.
It's just me, Chris, and Jill now. Jill is still crying and Chris is sitting next to her comforting her. I swear he treats her better than he treats me. Chris sees me and turns to Jill, tells her he is sorry and that we will be back at the hospital soon. He tells her to text him if anything changes or if she needs anything. And he kisses her cheek and walks towards the car. I follow.
I get in the car and stare straight ahead. He turns and looks at me.
"Are you going to start the car?" I ask. He just keeps staring. I turn and look at him and see that he is angry.
"I'm your boyfriend." He says angrily. I look at him confused. "Excuse me?" I ask.
"I'm your boyfriend!" He shouts. "Not him! Not Patrick." Tears are running down my face by now. "So stop crying over him!" I get out of the car and start walking away from it.
"Ellen wait!" he shouts getting out of the car.
"Stay away from me Chris." he grabs my arm and yanks me around. "I'm sorry. I was just upset because I know that you've been sleeping with him." he says. I look at him bewildered. Before I know what I'm doing, I slap him across the face. He stares back at me enraged. His grip on my arm starts to tighten and I start to feel a sharp pain.
"Chris stop. You're squeezing too hard. It hurts!" I tell him. He gets closer to my face.
"I know you're sleeping with him. Just don't forget, I'm your boyfriend. Not him" He says. I can smell alcohol on his breath.
"I'm not sleeping with him. He is my best friend Chris. He is my best friend and he is in a coma and he might not wake up. So if I'm crying, it's normal. It doesn't mean I think of him as my boyfriend. It just means that I'm scared. I'm scared that I might have to learn to live without my best friend. And you're not helping. So go away. Go away. I don't want to be around you anymore." I say still crying. I turn and this time he lets me go. I walk into the waiting room, past Jill, and back to the rooftop. to wait for my best friend to wake up.
Sorry that was a little long. Wondering what happened to Patrick? Next chapter. I promise.
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