Dave Grohl

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So here we are. Thursday night. Two hours before the Foo Fighters concert. Me standing in front of my bedroom mirror, putting on eyeliner and doing my hair.

Words cannot express how excited I am for this concert.

You're probably wondering about Kurtis Floyd. Well to be honest, so am I.

When I woke up from my nap that took pace in his car, I woke up in a hospital bed. I felt isolated. My dad wasn't even there. Neither was Kurt. But he did leave a note.


You had a concussion but the doctors say you will be fine. Take care beautiful.

- Kurt'

That's it? I'll probably never ever see him again. But he called me beautiful and just the thought of that makes me blush.

Chad told me he was on his way over. Knowing Chad, he'd wait outside my window seeing as him and my dad don't really see eye to eye.

I'm surprised my dad is even letting me go at all to be honest. That's not really like him.

Don't overthink it Izzy, just be happy.

Before I knew it I heard a pebble hit my window. Two more had hit the window before I finally opened it to see Chad standing below smiling.

"Hey there Romeo" I smirked.

"Sup Juliet?" he chuckled.

"Just finishing getting ready, I'll be right out!" I held up one finger, letting him know that I won't take long. I finished curling my hair, put in some hairspray, played with it with my fingers and headed downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked, well slurred.

"The concert dad. Remember?" I asked politely.

"Oh yeah. Hey come try some of this!" My dad called me over to his recliner and held up a joint. It smelt like it had more than just weed in it.

"Do I have to?" I asked.

"Oh come on Iz don't be a little bitch. Just one drag or no concert for you." he slurred somewhat sternly. I sighed and took a drag. It was interesting, that's for sure.

"That should get ya buzzed. Now go have fun!" My dad smiled like an idiot. Fucking reefer head. "Alright dad, see ya later" and with that I walked outside and met up with Chad.

He smiled and led me to his car. We sped off to the venue.


The stage was lit up and the Foo Fighters had just come on stage. My heart stopped for a few seconds when I realized this was real. I was actually seeing one of my favourite bands live!

They began to play 'Monkey Wrench' and everyone, including me went absolutely crazy.

Chad tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a joint. I gave him a questioning look and he just pointed to his shoe. I smiled and lit it up. Almost everyone in general admission were passing around joints. I was on cloud nine.

A few songs later, they were playing 'Learn To Fly'. One of my favourites. Before I knew it, I was on Chad's shoulders, belting out the lyrics. That's when something amazing happened.

Dave Grohl, THE Dave Grohl made eye contact with me and pulled me on stage. If that wasn't enough, he made me sing along with him.

"I'm looking to the sky to save me,

Looking for a sign of life,

Looking for something to help me burn out bright

I'm looking for a complication,

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