The Untrusting Heart: Chapter II

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      My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw bright light coming in through my window. The sun was out and I could hear the birds chirping. The pretty ones and the annoying ones. I threw off the covers and slowly sat up. My eyelids felt heavy and the air around me was hot and uncomfortable. I sulked into the bathroom and stripped out of my shorts and sports bra before climbing into the shower and letting the hot water run onto my skin. It felt refreshing and I didn’t ever want to leave. But I was craving some coffee so I turned off the water and quickly dried myself off with a scratchy towel. I brushed my hair out and didn’t bother to put any makeup on besides lip gloss. I slid my long legs into a pair of denim shorts and threw on a white flowy t-shirt.

“Good morning, Beth. Breakfast?” asked my mom standing over a sizzling pan.

“No thanks, mom. I’m just going to get some coffee and probably see a movie with Andie or something.” I replied trying to avoid eye contact. I feared my eyes would still be bloodshot from the night before.

“Alright. Hey, come here for a second.” She said. My heart started beating faster as I turned on my heel back to face her.

“Did you hear anything last night?” she asked. I felt my eyes get wider.

“Nope. Not that I can remember.”

“I thought I heard water running.”

“Oh, um, I took a bubble bath in the middle of the night. I was having trouble falling asleep so I figured I would relax myself.”

“Oh, ok. Have fun with Andie.” She replied, going back to her pan. I breathed a silent sigh of relief and hurried out the door. I climbed into my pale pink impala and blasted Of Mice and Men on the radio.  

I pulled up to a small coffee shop and heard a small bell ring when I walked in the door.

“Hi, can I have a mocha cookie crumble please?” I asked the pizza-faced cashier boy. I handed him a 5 dollar bill and stepped to the side. I patiently waited for my coffee and looked around the small cozy space. There were two businessmen tapping away on their laptops, completely ignoring each other. In the corner was a lady with small librarian glasses and a tye-dye scarf wrapped around her head. She was reading some poetry magazine and must have had over 10 rings on her fingers. I always found it Interesting to see the kinds of people that spent time in coffee shops. I heard the dainty bell ring at the front door. I looked over and saw the boy with gorgeous blue eyes walk in the door. I was almost positive that I was hallucinating. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but I wasn’t hallucinating. I pinched my arm, but it wasn’t a dream either. This was actually happening. My heart was beating so fast I wasn’t sure if it was beating at all.

He ordered his coffee, and got it right away. He dropped some change in the tip bucket and glanced over at me. He got that sly smile on his lips and my knees felt weak all over again. I was surprised he even recognized me without all of that black shit around my eyes. Oh fuck, I forgot. I wasn’t wearing any makeup. I blushed intensely and was saved by an employee calling my name.

“Mocha cookie crumble for Bethany.” He called. I went to pick it up and when I turned back, the boy with blue eyes was heading out the door. I ran out and watched him walk down the sidewalk. He was walking away, and I didn’t know if I would ever see him again. I decided to step out of my shy bubble. It would be worth it to see those amazing eyes again.

“H-Hey!” I shouted, feeling embarrassed by my nervous stutter. He stopped and slowly turned around. He walked back to me coyly, driving me insane. He knew exactly what to do to make me absolutely crazy, and he didn’t even know me.

“Hello, Bethany.” He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

“How do you know my name?” I asked. He motioned to the coffee shop with his cup. Wow, I’m stupid. The guy in there said it quite loudly. I quietly giggled.

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