|10| the story of the date

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This seriously freaked me out.

So I was doing a lesson on giving preference to others (for Islam) with the third grade class.

Me: *relates stories on how the sahaba (the companions of the prophet) gave preference to others.*

Me: *also mentions the story of Aaisha (raliallahuanha) and the poor man who came for food where she gave a Date which was the only food at her house since even an atom of good deed will be rewarded.*

Me: Now you're going to write a story from one of which I said or what you've heard on sacrificing.


Me: *checks books*

Me: *comes across a book where the kid had written a total different story where a poor man came for a girl's house and asked her out on a date!!!! Which she went on.*

Me: *internally freaking out*

Me: *as kind as possible* I'd take this away (she wrote in paper), but make sure you don't write like this again okay? *explains what the lesson really meant about*

Lool I still have that paper >.< She was a new girl though. But, she's only in third grade!!!! Man, I wouldn't have known any other date except the fruit when I was her age. =_=

Update!!! I found the piece of paper  ^

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