Chapter 2 - try and Run

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Chapter 2:

When Hunter woke up all she could see was an pitch black darkness, the smell was reeking as if rotten corpses was laying around, she could hear faint growls coming from all directions that was increasing by the minute.

''This is.. This is just a nightmare..'' Hunter stuttered, trying to make out her surroundings

''Hah, a nightmare? Actually that is pretty close on what this can be. But no, this is real girl''

Hunter tried to move her arms and legs but when she did something pulled them back, she could feel that her wrists and ankles being tight together with something being around them and it was cold, chains she assumed, Hunter tried to make out her surroundings again but it was pointless, it was pitch black

''trying to see where you are? That is impossible with those crappy human eyes, you won't be able to see a thing.'' The voice laughed

''W-where am I? w-what is this.. Let me go!'' Hunter struggled

''Why should I let a great experiment go?'' the voice was close now as if they stood right in front of Hunter

Hunter didn't know what the voice meant but it scared her, she didn't know what anything was going on, and it scared her more then she already were. She was surprised by herself though, that she could even speak as Cleary she did, she usually wouldn't be able to talk when she was scared.

''You know.. For having such shitty past and childhood.. Even your family is crap, you still smile.'' The voice continued, and Hunter could almost feel the breath of the one who spoke, it was cold and reeked, it made Hunter wanting to throw up.

Hunter started to hear something being sharpen and clang on some sort of metal, and the growls and roars echoed all over.

'' Heh, I guess it's because of your friends. It's a nice thing to have. But they also makes you weak! Its disgusting''

''D-don't hurt them..'' hunter breathed heavily, she didn't know how this person. If it even were a person could know these kind of things, but knowing it knew about her and all her friends scared her the most, if it knew about them, then maybe they too were somewhere here or would come here.

''Oh I won't. but tell me Hunter.. How does it feel to wake up every day seeing your old friends, who hates your gut, your family looking with disgust at you? They probably wished you never were born''

the voice continued to taunt her with all kind of words, and Hunter couldn't say a thing back... after all she knew it was true, so she was left at being silenced


''Dose it hurt? Do you become angry at yourself? And them! On how you could let you be used and treated like you were lower than scum until you meet Aiden? You know why they leave you alone now don't you? it's because they want to be in his favor''

Hunter didn't answer. She was just hoping this all were an nightmare. This couldn't be real it just couldn't.

''Answer me!!'' Hunter flinched and whispered lowly


''No? Hah that's surprising most of who been bullied and treated like this would want to see their blood flow or have some sort of revenge''

It was true Hunter weren't angry at herself or her old friends. She couldn't. She still wanted to be friends with them she still cared for them. Even after being used and still is used time to time whenever she choose to hang around with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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