Chapter Ten

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Texas sat blankly in Johnny's living room. Today, July 3, 1978, was his birthday. Fifteen years ago today he was born. His mother was alive. His family was together. He had no worries or fears. He was just another baby born to another family.

"Tex!" Dakota cried. Tex looked up from the couch he was sitting on to see Dakota standing in front of the door. The two were home alone because Johnny had work and Dally had a social service meeting.

In fear that it was Randy at the door, Tex ran over to her, "What is it, baby?"

"A girl's here for you," she whispered in his ear. Tex looked over to see Chick standing outside waiting to be invited in. To Tex she looked gorgeous in her old hand-me-down shorts and tight t-shirt. Her old beat up white converse made her look more like a greaser.

"Get lost," Tex playfully pushed his sister into the living room and walked over to the door where Chick stood.

"What d'ya doin' here?" Tex asked as he leaned against the doorframe of the door.

"Just takin' a walk 'round this end a' town," she replied placing her fingers in the belt loops of the shorts... she looked just like Ponyboy.

"Really?" Tex asked, "How'd ya know I was here?"

"Got my ways," she replied slyly.

Tex rolled his eyes, "So what are ya up to today?"

"Nothin'," she replied in a bored tone.

"Bummer," Tex replied, "I was thinkin' we could go hang at the park...but since you're not doin' anything that-"

"Dork!" Chick playfully hit Tex on the shoulder. Tex managed a small chuckle.

"So ya wanna come to the park with me and D?" Tex asked her in a more serious tone.

"Yea," Chick smiled off her bright white teeth.

"Cool. Give me a sec to get D and stuff," Tex said walking back into the living room. He knew it was slightly rude that he had just left his crush at the door but he was nervous.

"C'mon, D, we're goin' to the park!" Tex yelled at his little sister.

"We are?" Dakota asked in pure shock. She hadn't been to the park in a long time.

"Yea. Now let's go," Tex ushered her towards the door where Chick still stood patiently.

"Ready?" Tex asked Chick as he closed the door. Dakota had already run off around the corner.

"Yup," Chick replied.

While walking Tex kept a close eye on Dakota but wasn't in such a hurry to walk. He walked slowly with Chick. Her hands lightly brushed his sending waves of excitement through him.

"Texas Winston, hurry up!" Dakota screamed as she ran up to the huge spider by the water fountain. Tex used to love the spider. He used to climb up there and smoke when he was younger. He used to stare at the bloodstain by the fountain and try to guess why it was there. Tex had always guessed that someone had gotten murdered, shot through the head or something gory like that.

"Ya hang right there, D. Chick and me are goin' over here," Tex said as he and Chick walked over towards the swings. Dakota nodded in a distance for she noticed a few of her friends. Tex shook his head in a small laugh.

"That's the first time I've ever seen ya laugh," Chick said.

"Huh?" Tex asked.

"That's the first time I've ever seen you laugh," Chick replied.

"I don't really laugh," Tex, replied, "Ain't my thing."

"Oh," Chick replied, "I love to laugh."

Tex felt some sort of nervous energy from Chick. Was she afraid of him?

"Um..." Tex couldn't think of anything to say, "I... I sometimes laugh but I just don't all the time."

Chick nodded, "I see."

Tex could feel his heart pounding in his chest. All he wanted to do was tell Chick the way he felt about her.

"Tex," Chick stopped suddenly. Tex felt his face turn pale white...maybe she didn't like him. What if she didn't? "I.. I like you."

Yes! Tex felt a huge smile creep across his face. The girl he liked, liked him back, "I like you too, Chick."

"Ya do?" Chick seemed surprised.

"Yea," Tex replied.

"You're just sayin' that 'cause I told ya that I liked ya," Chick replied.

"No, I really like ya, swear to God," Tex replied.

A smile fell upon Chick's lips. All Tex wanted to do was kiss her. It was a compulsion in his mind to kiss her. Feel her soft moist lips against his slightly parched ones. Feel her smooth hands that felt like silk. Take in that sweet sent of vanilla. And so he did.

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