Two Groups Meet

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Frankie and Sophie and Kara had planned this project for a month, and they were finally going to execute it.  They were going to spray-paint one of the male's rubbish piles like a butt!  They had collected ten tan spray-cans during the month, and 5 black spray-cans.  It was going to be hilarious!

As Sophie and Kara scouted ahead, laughing and scheming about future plans, Frankie lagged behind.  She was still feeling guilty about spying on her best friends.  "That's what you sacrificed when you joined us," the Ultra Male had said.  "Tell anyone that you serve us, and I will personally see that you are stretched 15 feet longer!"

Frankie didn't understand why she had joined the Males.  Maybe it was because she wanted to still be on her dad's side, even if he was on the evil one.  Maybe it had to do with the fact that she thought she actually liked the Ultra Male!  How sick would that be?  But, when she had met with the Ultra Male for the first time, her heart had done a summersault, and her eyes had fluttered.

Sophie yelled to Frankie to hurry up, and Frankie snapped back.  She ran ahead to catch up, but when she got there, she instinctively shut her eyes.  The rubbish pile they were going to paint was on fire!  And it was producing Blinding Gas. 

Kara screamed as her eyes were blinded, and Sophie covered her eyes with a protective silk cloth.  Frankie covered her own eyes, and watched as her special pile was ruined.  Of course, she had already known that this was going to happen.  The Ultra Male had told her to take her friends to this pile, so that she could blind her friends, and go on to another mission.  Sophie was not blinded, so Frankie would have to think of something else.  She grabbed at Sophie's mask, and she jerked back.

"What are you doing?"  She was screaming out of shock and fright.

"Just making sure your mask is tight enough," Frankie yelled back.  That was close!  Two more seconds, and Sophie would have realized what Frankie was.  She sighed.  She had to be more careful.

As the trio reentered their alley, Kara slumped against the wall of one side of it, breathing deeply, and feeling the nearby surroundings with her hands.  She had known that something like this would happen to her sometime, so she embraced it.  Great, Frankie thought.  I haven't crushed anyone's dreams at all!  Now what?

Sophie looked at Frankie with concern.  "You okay?"

"Yeah," Frankie said half-heartedly.  "Just tired from the incident."  That was sort of true.  Sort of.

"Why did you try to take off my mask?"  Oh no, Frankie thought.  She was totally busted.  What could she say?  Oh!  Just tryin' to blind you, so that I could please the Males that I am secretly working for, so that I don't get killed!

"Just messing with you,"  Frankie teased back. 

"But, that was really dangerous!  I could have been blinded forever!

That was the idea, Frankie thought.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps.  Frankie instantly rose.  So did Sophie.  Kara tried to, then realizing that she was blind and useless, sat down again.

Frankie heard rushed whispering, and heavy footsteps.  Males, Frankie though, as she raised her pistol.  Sophie aimed her slingshot, and they both yelled at the same time.

To the girls' surprise, they got three shrieks in return.  They continued to shriek at the other shrieking, until a low voice said, "Pipe down!  The Males will hear us."

Frankie realized that these were Females.  She lowered her pistol, and silenced Sophie.  Sophie stared at the Females in front of her. 

Pan, Minnie, and Ursa had walked right into their camp.

The Female AllianceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora