Vampire drama can start again tomorrow, I just want to relax and have fun.

"Yes, I found her, she was at home but Matt wouldn't let me in." Stefan muttered as he walked in- clearly stressed.

I ran downstairs and smiled. "What do you think?" I asked twirling round.

"I think you look like a 'vampire', you look great, now come on." He laughed and took my hand. We walked out to the car and got in the car. I turned the radio right up.

Stefan was laughing at me as I sang along, especially when I started rapping. When we got to school he turned the radio off, but I carried on singing- obviously not as loud.

"Becs, nice singing." Elena laughed behind me.

"Thank you, SO MANY BOYS IN HERE WHERE DO I BEGIN? I SEE THIS ONE I'M ABOUT TO GO IN-" I was cut off by Stefan's hand smothering my mouth.

"That's enough, yes, you're a great singer but you need to calm down." Stefan laughed.

"I'm just having fun; you know you want to join in. Come on the lyrics aren't that hard. So many girls in here-" I started singing again.

"Becs, stop!" Stefan laughed.

"Fine, stupid grumpy people!" I sighed.

"I am not grumpy!" Stefan mock gasped.

"I'm going to find Jeremy; he'll be more fun than you boring people!" I muttered and stalked off.

"Nice out-fit by the way!" Elena shouted after me.

"Thanks!" I shouted back. I walked towards the school and sure enough there he was standing by the entrance.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hi, you look great... let me guess you've come as a vampire, original much." He laughed and pulled me into a kiss.

"Come on, let's go do something." I laughed. We walked around inside the school for a bit, the decorations were good.

STEFAN: vickis here be careful! Text me if you find her S x

BECS: k i'll keep a look out becs x

"Tell me if you see Vicki." I said to Jeremy.

"Sure, but why?" He asked.

"Oh crap, you don't know. She fed Jer, she's a vampire and she's out of control. So you need to be careful." I explained.

"She fed!" He gasped.

"Yes, come on she's here and we've got to find her, before she hurts someone." I took his hand and dragged him off. I so did not want to do this today!

"Vicki!" I shouted when I saw her. She looked at me then ran outside.

"Come on, she's gone outside." I said to Jeremy, as we both ran outside.

"Vicki!" I shouted again. We were in the school bus car park.

"Jeremy, go and find Stefan, tell him to come here." I said, he hesitated but went back inside.

"Vicki!" I shouted again. I walked to the left and looked in between every gap in the buses. I saw her she was feeding on a boy from my class- James, I think his name was.

"Vicki, stop you're killing him!" I shouted and ran towards her. She dropped his limp body and smiled.

"Oops, he's dead, now to find me some more food." She smirked, "Maybe Jeremy..."

"Vicki, you're out of control. I'm not letting you go anywhere." I said calmly.

"You can't stop me." She hissed. She ran at me and threw me in to a skip, at the edge of the school. I screamed in pain as a broken wooden board plunged into my stomach. I pushed myself out of the skip and tried to pull the board out of my back, but I couldn't reach.

I was in so much pain, but I needed to find Vicki. I pushed myself mentally to get over the pain that now surged round my body. I could tell the wooden board wasn't that big, but it sure hurt like hell. I stumbled round to the door and saw Vicki walking towards it.

Jeremy ran out and saw me covered in blood, his face twisted in pain and concern.

"Becs!" He gasped.

Suddenly, Vicki ran towards him and bit his neck. I saw Jeremy gasp. I forced myself and ran over to Vicki and pulled her off him.

"Jeremy run!" I shouted. He looked at me before Elena and Stefan came out.

Elena saw the wood through me and the blood on Jeremy's neck and gasped. "Elena take Jeremy you both need to go!" I muttered sternly. Elena nodded, grabbed Jeremy's arm and they both ran off.

Vicki snarled then charged at me. She bit down on my neck and started draining me. I felt my legs give way a little as I became weaker.

Stefan ran around the corner to the skip and pulled out what looked like other part to the bit of wood in my back- obviously this one was much bigger as I had the smaller part in my back. He ran and plunged it into her chest, straight through her heart. She groaned before falling to the floor and dying.

I collapsed to the floor in pain and loss of blood. "Becs," Stefan bent down to me.

"Stefan, pull it out, it hurts. Please." I begged.

"Okay, this is going to hurt." He said. I sat up on my knees. "3...2...1..." He said and pulled. I screamed from the pain as he pulled out the wood.

"Sorry Becs," Stefan muttered pulling out his phone. I collapsed back on the floor, I had been drained of most of my blood and I hadn't had any at all today, I was too busy looking for Damon. I felt so weak.

"Damon I need you..." Stefan said into his phone.

"Why can't you get Becs to help you?" He moaned.

"Damon, its Vicki she's dead, I killed her because she was killing Becs." Stefan explained.

There was a short pause.

"I'm on my way." Damon said and five seconds later he was by my side. "Becs, are you okay?" He asked, really concerned.

"Yup, I'm just dandy, thanks for asking." I said sarcastically, and smiled. I saw my stomach was healed now and the bite on my neck- just the blood stains now.

"Well, at least she still has her humour." Damon laughed. "What happened?" He asked Stefan.

"I don't really know, Jeremy ran up to me saying that they had found Vicki, I went to go find Elena and he went back to Becs. When I got here Becs had a bit of a wooden board through her back and stomach, Jeremy had been bit on his neck and then she told Elena and Jeremy to leave, as soon as they left Vicki attacked Becs and was biting her neck, I got the wood and staked her." Stefan explained.

"You take Becs back, get her some blood and I'll dispose of Vicki's body." He said.

"Damon, there's another body, round the corner, Vicki killed him." I remembered.

"Okay I'll go get that one too, can you stand?" He asked helping me to my feet. He had all my weight and as soon as he let go of me my legs gave way, with weakness.

"I'll take that as a no." He said gently putting my back on the floor. "Stefan, you'll have to carry her."

"Okay, you ready Becs." Stefan asked as he picked me up.

"Yup, let's go, I need blood." I smiled. He walked round the front of the school and Matt gasped.

"Becs?" He gasped.

"She's fine, some idiots with fake blood where squirting it everywhere, she slipped on it and hit her head, she just needs rest." Stefan lied.

"Oh, okay, well I hope you feel better soon." He smiled and walked off. Stefan sat me in the car, my eyelids began to droop.

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