Time To Tell The Parents

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Jayden just placed an arm around my shoulder as we walked up the front porch steps to enter his house. He rubbed it, trying to reassure everything would be okay. But I wasn't sure.

"Are we going to tell them?" I whispered before he opened the door.

"No. I don't think we should just yet." I heard him say as he opened the door, walking in, leaving me alone and almost shaking outside.

"Aren't you coming? Come on!" He coaxed me inside. I had no choice really but to do as he said.

I hesitantly entered the house, and I had a weird feeling come over me that I wasn't expecting. The house had never felt more strange. I felt as if I had never been inside before, as if it was nothing to me.

A house that once filled me with happiness and excitement to visit, and so many great memories, had never made me feel more emptier.

"Jayden! You're b--" Julian came in the room, as he stopped talking as soon as he saw me. "Uh, back--early." He frowned at me.

"Hey Jules." I smiled as if it was normal all over again. He just looked at me funny and looked to Jayden, I followed to see his sudden pale face.

"Hey mate, can we talk?" Julian asked him silently.

He just nodded and left me alone in the entrance hall, as they walked off to another room.

I didn't feel comfortable here; usually I would just walk to the fridge, pour myself a glass of milk and chuck myself on the couch and watch T.V.

But it was different now. I felt like I knew no one here, even though literally everyone in this household was practically family.

Well, used to be.

I just stood there awkwardly, almost unable to move from my nerves.

"Khrystina?" I heard John's voice,

"Da- John?" I thought I'd play it safe.

"You can still call me dad, you know." He smiled as he came up and hugged me. I froze for a minute, just gently hugging back, a friendly, normal gesture.

Until I felt the need to grip on to him tighter, my face sat buried in his jumper. He hugged me back the same, as if to mind-message me that it was all okay.

Even though I'd broken his heart as a 'second' daughter, he still loved me like one anyway. He was like a pure father to me, well, almost.

"What are you trying to do? Break my ribs there?" He settled the tension.

We laughed as we separated.

We were really close, we seriously were. And somehow, finally, I felt a little more comfortable.

How strange, something so awkward and even embarressing could suddenly turn into something so nice after all. I guess it was once I heard a close-friend's voice, or saw their face, it just helped the environment. Especially when they hug you back.

I was starting to get that happy-heartwarming-homely feeling again.

Thank God.

Before we began conversation, Jayden and Julian came back, and Julian came right up to me, wrapping his arms around me, whispering in my ear, "Congrats!"

I looked to Jayden and gave him my 'why'd-you-tell-him-now-I-thought-we-were-waiting?' Look and let go of the hug.

"So... Jayden... What are you and Khrystina... Um... Doing today?" John tried to sound the least bit awkward as he could.

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