2 months 3 days

41 2 3

I woke up this morning with horrible nausea. I ran to the bathroom and last night's dinner of goldfish and lime water made a second appearance. You know, they say morning sickness is at it's worst during your 8th week, I didn't sign up for this so I've got no research to back it up. I have to say, morning sickness gets it's name from being the worst in the morning. However, don't let the name fool you... Morning Sickness is a 24/7 feeling. I stumbled from the bathroom floor, feeling my little baby bump.

I walked to the hallway of my apartment, I moved to LA to gain new experiences... Not a child. I don't have a boyfriend or a husband or even a partner. I only have one friend, my best friend Brady, my family is on the other side of the world, and I'm pretty much alone. I know what you're thinking "Why are you having a baby then, you dumbass." Well. This isn't exactly how I planned it either. But that's a story for another time.

I grabbed a towel from the closet in the hall, and dizzily made my way back to the bathroom. I turned the cold knob on my shower to full-power. Cold water to wake me up and numb my back, warm water to clean my hair and body, then hot water on my back to relax the muscles. Granted, my belly isn't big enough to hurt my back too much just yet, but I trust it'll get there eventually. Right now, my baby is about the size of a kidney bean or a raspberry. It's developing webbed fingers and toes, and my major symptoms are constant, relentless nausea and drowsiness.

Brady is coming over later, we're going to have a couch day. Or a "Pregnant Posing" day as Brady liked to call it. He enjoyed taking pictures of my belly for some reason, like I said I don't have a very big belly just yet. Maybe he wants to make one of those slide-shows where there's a gradual build-a-baby?  I don't mind, I doubt I'll be having another for a very long time. And again, I know what you're thinking. No. It isn't Brady's Baby. I told you, that's a story for another time.

I got out of the shower, dried myself off and wrapped my towel around my head. My breasts were getting bigger, and they were swollen. Pregnancy, man... It puts your body through hell. I wonder what my mom would say? She's all about home remedies and I'm sure she's got one for this. I got dressed, more pajamas. I wasn't interested in looking presentable today. I wrapped my towel around my head to keep my hair from soaking the back of my t-shirt. You know it's a lazy day when you shower and put on more pajamas.

The doorbell rang and I went to the speaker box to buzz Brady in. "Hello?" I called just to be sure it was him.

"Open up, Mack! It's me!" I heard Brady's voice through the monitor.

"Sorry, I don't buy Girl Scout cookies!" I said giggling.

"Ha ha. Very funny, let me in! These bags are heavy." I hit 'unlock' on my keypad and heard a big buzz from downstairs followed by the door opening. "Mackenzie?!" He called to me.

"Up here, Brady!" I called to him. Thuds could be heard on the stairs as I walked out of the bathroom. I heard a knock on the door as it slowly opened.

"I've got yums for you and the baby!" Brady sang excitedly. He was always bringing me organic food, he refuses to feed me (and the baby) normal food.
"I just got out and I'm having trouble booking my bra... Can you help me?" I asked seriously.
"Of course." Brady said happily. It was nice having him around. He's my best friend... The one person in LA that I want help from. He makes this a lot easier to deal with and he helps out a lot.
He carefully and respectfully grabbed the clasp on my bra and latched it. He rubbed my upper and mid-back for a minute, he knew how much pain I was in "That good?" He asked.
"Yeah, thank you." I said turning back around with a smile.
"What do you want to do today?" Brady asked as I ran to the bathroom and knelt down next to the toilet and continued to hack up last night's midnight snacks. "Oh gross." He said as he stepped into the bathroom and sat down next to me and holding my hair back.

"Thank you." I said leaning back, Brady caught me in his arms as I flopped down in defeat. "Why do they call it morning sickness when it hits you at every friggin moment of the day?" I asked looking up at him.

"I don't know, babygirl. I don't know."


I decided that since Brady knows, I could share the news with everyone else.

That's right.. I'm pregnant.
and even though the child is biologically Brady's... We've decided to co-parent this child.
I understand that this is all very confusing for a lot of people, but I'm writing this story to go along with the weeks that I endure this life inside me.

Anyone who wishes to show support is welcome to!
If you're going to call me a whore, or whatever else you can think of. If you wouldn't say it to my face.... Don't stay it online.

I'm currently accepting donations of baby blankets, clothes, etc. Anything that you have that you don't want would be awesome. And if you want an invite to the baby shower, inbox me (I'll include you in the story WITH YOUR OWN CHARACTER!!! -- BEFORE I GET ANY QUESTIONS!!!! IT IS MACK THAT'S PREGNANT. NOT ME! I'm not even physically active... Let alone sexually active hahaha --OOA)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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