I place the picture down, hurting too much looking at her. All the memories spinning in my head are overwhelming.
I lie down in my bed, looking at the ceiling. I don't think a lot very often but I felt the need to do it...
We had been together for a while (actually it was the longest relationship I ever had), so I just couldn't help but feel like this kiss couldn't have meant the end of us... Yes it was a big mistake... But c'mon I tried to solve it! It's not like we had never had any discussion... But we always tried to solve things...
I remember very well how the first one was...

I had told Riley to meet me in Squeezed. It was two days after Regionals and the next day I had a Maths' exam.
When I get there, Riley was already sitting at one of the tables, her right hand holding her head. She looked tired, purple-brown circles around her eyes.
I kiss the top of her head and sit in front of her holding her other hand.
"Hey! What's up? Why the tired look?"
She rubs her eyes and yawns. "I was studying 'till vey late last night... Had to catch up to what I didn't study when we were at Regionals... Can't fail this exam!" She answers but her voice is almost a whisper. She is really tired.
"Naw! Don't even worry about it! You'll be great as usual! I wouldn't study at all if I were you!"
She shakes her head. "Of course I have to worry and of course I have to study! I know you are very chilled, James but this exam is really important! Speaking of which, how is your study going? Do you need help with anything? I can spend sometime studying with you, if you want..."
"Naw... I am fine... I know everything... No need to study. I wil be great!"
Suddendly, Riley's face turn from exausthed to really (believe me), really mad. She takes both of her hands to her head and shakes it.
"OMG, James I can't believe you right now! How come haven't you studied?! James this is important! It is something you can be just chilled about! Do you want mom to take you out of the Studio again? Leave again? Do you even want to go to Nationals! James... Ugggh... I am so mad at you!" She yells the last part and get up, heading to the door.
I follow her outside.
She is pacing back and forth, whispering things that I can't hear. Probably about me...
I place a hand in her shoulder making her freeze in her place.
"You're right, Riley! I am really sorry... I should have studied already... I am just used to being this chilled and wasn't thinking about the consequences... Feel free to be mad at me, I get it!"
She hits my chest with both her fists, and then looks up to my eyes. "I am really mad at you... But I kind of get it... But there is a limit to being chilled..." She says, still with an angry tone.
"I know, I know... But that's why it's so good to have you! You make me understand the limits..." I say smirking a bit and she shakes her head doing the same.
"Okay, okay... Now you have to study! What about you come to my place and we study together?"
I agree and we head to her place.

We have been studying for about two hours now and I am understanding everything. Riley is a really good tutor, and helps me get foccused, though  I steal her a kiss now and then.
She told me to do an exercise and to show it to her when I am finished.
I do as she says, putting a lot of effort in it, both to impress her and show her that I can be smart.
When it's done, I throw the paper to the table. "Ohhh! It's done baby, it's done..."
Then, i look to my side and see that she is fasten asleep next to me.

"Then, i look to my side and see that she is fasten asleep next to me

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She was so tired that she gave in to exhaustion. She looks so peaceful while she is sleeping, just like an angel.
She has her head in her crossed arms. Her cheeks are slightly pink, and there is a soft smile in her lips, which are very catchy at the moment but I hold myself back, not wanting to wake her up.
I know she needs to sleep so I decide that it's better if I let her sleep, but not in here. So, I will take her to her room.

I put a hand in her back and one under her knees, lifting her up gently. She mumbles a bit in her sleep and leans her head in my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my neck. I kiss her forehead and she relaxes in my arms.
I carry her upstairs being careful not to make any rough moves.
When I get to her room, I place her down in her bed. She again mumbles, looking for my arms and I give her the big teddy bear I gave her for winning regionals. She hold it tight and relaxes, her breathing turning heavy again.
I kneel on the floor for a few minutes, taking in her peaceful figure, so beautiful and calm, as if nothing could disturb her. And actually, if it came to me nothing would... I grab a fluffy blanket that she keeps at the end of the bed and cover her with it.
I kiss her temple one last time, before turning to the door.
There is Emily, a playful smile on her face and her arms crossed.
I follow her outside, closing the door behind me.
"That was really sweet of you..." She says which kinda makes shocked. You rarely hear a compliment coming from Emily so... It's a good thing...
"Yeah... I couldn't wake her up... She was so tired..."
Emily's smiles growns a bit. " I never thought I would say this but I am glad you are part of her life. A great part of her. You are very important to her. Please don't mess up!"
I shake my head. " I won't! She means everything to me..."
End of flashback

I had promised that to Emily but I hadn't kept my promise... I guess that's why she turned so angry at me... But I can't blame her... Riley is her baby sister and she was always very protective over her...
I hear my phone bip and see that I got a message from my group with the boys.
West - Yo, bros wanna come over to watch a movie?
I think about it... Tomorrow is my duet competition with Beth so I should take some rest but I don't think I will be able to do it when everything around me reminds me of her...
James - Sure, man. Be there in 15.
West's house was close to mine, only a small walk to there.
I grab my jacket and head downstairs.
"James? Is that you?" My mom asks from the kitchen.
" Yeah mom. I'm gonna watcha movie at West's"
"Okay honey, but be home before midnight!"
I nod and kiss her goodbye before leaving the house.

A/N: hey... I know this was crap but well... I will do better next time... Thanks for reading...
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