Welcome to Gravity Falls

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Chapter 1

Dipper POV

Gravity Falls.

That's what the huge billboard sign said as the bus drove past it. "Dipper, wake up!" My sister Mabel was shaking me to wake up.

I fluttered my eyes open noticing that the bus was coming at a stop. I can't believe our parents sent us away to a place we know nothing about. What's worse is we're spending our summer with our uncle Stan. I already have a feeling it's going to be boring as heck. "Are we here?" I groaned. I sat up, wiping the dribble off of my cheek and some on the bus window. "Yes! Now come help me get our stuff!" she ordered. I looked out the window and I saw nothing but thick trees surrounding us. Mabel was getting our last luggage out from under our seats.

"Move your feet!" she grunted as she was shoving my feet up. I was still half asleep from that long bus ride. I had to help her any way. I got up and helped her take everything out of the bus. Once we got everything out, I saw my uncle's place right ahead of us. "Thanks Mister Bus man!" Mabel hollered to the driver. He rolled his eyes and shut the door and drove off. "Man, tough driver" I muttered. We started to walk our way to Stan's house. I'm not sure what to call it because it's his house but also a gift shop called the Mystery Shack. Why mystery? It's not like this town is full of weird stuff or something. We stepped onto his porch and I rang the doorbell.

"Hey kids! You're here!" Stan blurted.

Me and Mabel jumped and screamed. He looked strange. He was wearing a suit, a fez hat, and an eye patch. How weird can he be? "What, what's so scary? If it's Soos in the back, I know." he continued. We were both clueless on who he was talking about. He opened the door more wider and we walked in. It was his gift shop full of weird and fake things. Eye balls in glass jars? A bear that's half bear and half... Something I can't even describe.

"Hey dudes!" Someone greeted. I turned and I saw a teenage girl who had long red hair and was wearing flannel walking in. My heart started beating right away. "Who are they?" she asked Stan. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She made eye contact with me and I quickly flinched away, my face turning red. "Oh right! Kids, this is Wendy. And that guy over there is Soos," he introduced. I saw Soos over in the corner mopping the floor. Wendy, what a pretty name, I thought. "And this is Dipper and Mabel." He finished off. I was still flinched away thinking about Wendy, refusing to look back at her knowing I'll probably embarrass myself. Mabel elbowed me. "Dipper, don't be rude!" she whispered. I turned with my face still red. From the corner of my eye I can already see Mabel having a hint on why I'm like this.

"Wendy, why don't you show them around the place!" Stan said.

"Will I get a raise if I do this?" Wendy asserted.

"I will have you fired if you keep asking for that."

She laughed and rolled her eyes, but then calmed herself down and started leading us. "She's so perfect" I gawked as I kept staring at her hair, trying to get a good view of her face. I could hear Mabel squealing beside me trying to hold in her excitement. I already have an idea of what it's about. Wendy stopped, causing us to accidentally bump into each other. "Sorry guys," she apologized, "but this is the way to the house part of this place if you were wondering." We passed through a back door and there was the living room and kitchen and dining room. It looked less creepy than the shop, less weird and fake thing to terrify me at night.

She began again to lead us upstairs of the house. There was only one room up here because there was no other door besides the one ahead of us. I heard her getting the keys and unlocked the door. "And I'm guessing Stan would want you guys to sleep somewhere where you wont bother him, so here's your room" she said ending our tour of the house. When Mabel and I walked inside our room, it looked pretty worn down. A lot of spider webs were spotted everywhere on the upper corners of the walls. There were also two beds on each side of the room.

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