This can't be.....I can't be...That explains the vomiting, the dizziness. The sudden cramps. Fuck, How can I forget to take the pills. How can I fucking forget them? Oh my god. What will I tell Harry? It's all my fault?

Wait, I need to stop over thinking. I haven't even taken the test or anything, maybe its for another reason. But How.....

"You look cute when you think." Harry takes my attention. I force a smile on my face. Cupping his face, I place a kiss on his lips. "I'm hungry." I inform, trying my best to stay calm. I need to keep these thoughts behind, atleast until Harry is gone. He nods, pressing another kiss on my lips making me fall back. Our lips move in sync for a little time until he pulls away.

The breakfast was quite, I was just shoving my food like there is no tomorrow. Harry laughing at me every now and then, trying to make me stop.

"I'll be back by 7." Harry informs, leaving a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Take care, yeah? Call me if you're not feeling well....and I mean it..." Harry warns, he got serious now. I nod, giving him an assuring smile.

"Good." He leans in, pressing a quick kiss on my lips. Pulling away, he walks out disappearing in the hall way.

After making sure that he is gone, I walk towards my closet. Trying my best to remember where I kept pregnancy test strips, I search in my closet. I remember buying them a few months ago. I actually thought I was pregnant but the results were Negative. I still kept them for a time like this. I Had finally found them. Quickly reading the instruction I do as it says. After a nice long test I wait impatiently infront of the strip. The results lightly showing.

What If I am pregnant? How will Harry react. What will he say?

Pretty soon, another mark started to appear on the strip. My heart beat rising as I stared at it blankly. Positive. Whaaaa..

Holding on to the strip, I walk towards the bed. How can I fucking forget to take ghe pills after what happened. Harry had gave the situation in my hand, he trust me. What will he say when I'll tell him? What will he do? Does he want a baby now, although we are getting married in a week. But still, how will I tell him? What if he...doesn't want it....what if he asks for abortion......what if he leaves me? no no...I need to stop over thinking things. It's not that he wouldn't want a baby..I mean I know him more than any one does. In this 5 years we have joked alot about having a baby..well that was only a joke..


I was pushed on the bed playfully, Harry crawling on top. I let out a loud laugh placing my hands on his. Giving an evil laugh, he digs in my neck growling playfully. The new sensation sends shiver around my body as I laugh uncontrollably.

"Harry....s-stop.." I breath out, pushing him off me. As always he was too strong for me. Without any protest, he stops surprisingly.

Getting off of me, Harry lies next to me. His hand supporting his head. He looks down at me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I was thinking, now that we are getting married in like...2 months.." Harry whispers, his eyes locked with mine. I felt his hand on mine, intertwining our fingers.

"Think about our future? What will we do together?" Harry asks in his low husky voice.
"I don't know, we'll get married, set a nice house, have kids....." I did not just said that. My heart start to pound harder as I blush. Harry's smile grew wider as he stared at me.

"Oh my god." I spoke, covering my face with both hands. Harry chuckles, his hand grabbing my wrist. I refuse to move, my cheeks heated up. I felt his nose brushing my cheek, his hot breath heating my ear.

"I can't wait to have kids with you..." Harry whispers in my ear, I kiss being pressed on jaw. My cheeks heat up again. "Harry..." I whine, digging my face in his chest. Harry chuckles wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulls me off of him, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"How many can you deliver, sweetheart?" "Harry whispers, his eye dropping in a wink. I slap his chest covering my face again.

"Oh my god Harry!" I shout laughing lightly. Harry deeply chuckles. His leg falling on top of me. Harry pulls me closer to his chest, still laughing lightly. I couldn't help but smile wider at his words.

"I seriously can't wait to make a family with you....our own house with kids running around..." Harry whispers, his breath fanning my cheek. I look up at him, his lips curved into a smile.

"Neither can I." I cup his cheek, pressing my lips into his. This is where I belong.



I'm sorry its really short compare to the time i took. :3 I had many things going on and then Cory's death...I'm so sorry for any Gleek fans here! <3

Anyway, WOHO She's pregooo. :3

I'll Update tomorrow for sure. :D





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