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The music of the forest on that very sunrise was the chirping of the birds, and the smell was of sweet flowers, their pollen revealed by the sunlight. The she-cat who lay on her side could not stop purring at such a beautiful day! It was a lucky reprieve from the hideously painful birth she had had only a few sunrises before, and during a dreadfully stormy night. Now the grass was finally dry, and the warmth of the sun prickled her pelt.

Her name was Violet. Her pelt was black and her paws were white, but her name came from her eyes. They were a delicate purple, and very very round, and she supposed that was what attracted her mate in the first place.

But now he was gone. They do not stay for long, do they? She looked at her three kits and sighed, counting the spots on the one's pelt in utter boredom. She did not yet name them, she thought the tom'd want to help. But he left, and to where, she did not know. He had given no warning, and had vanished a night after her birth. She sighed, but could not bring herself to feel much sadness, not with the great weather. Everything was going her way. Three healthy kits. A beautiful den.

She looked back at the spotted kit. He was a tom, and his pelt was black, and the spots were white. His eyes were closed, as were the rest. She wanted to name him Blizzard, but could not bring herself to it, not just yet. She scanned the others. The only she-cat had a pure black pelt, and Violet half-hoped that her eyes would be like her own. But before she could know for sure, she mentally named the she-cat 'Ebony.'

Tired, Violet bent back against the comfortable ferns and began to shut her eyes. She let her pelt warm up and melt the anxiety that has been building up in her chest.
She dreamt of her mate. What a brilliant tom he was, while he lasted. He had a dark, dark brown tabby pelt. He had brilliant amber eyes.
She dreamt of her kits too, and instinctively her tail wrapped tighter around their soft squirming bodies. As she readied for a nap, she heard an alarming noise. A hiss like drenched fire.

Violet burst upwards, hoping the hiss came from her mate just playing around with her. Instead she saw a shape near her paws and heard another hiss, this one louder, before the shape reared and glared at her. It had amber eyes just like her mate's, but none she was very fond of.

She roughly kicked her kits aside, not enough to hurt them, and went after the snake. It slithered towards her kits, opening its mouth wide as if to swallow them. But suddenly, Violet's paws crashed down onto its slippery body in efforts to halt its movement. It escaped her paws and she yowled, lunging again. Her claws pierced its head, slamming its jaws shut. She twisted her claws into its scaly scalp. Realizing it was dead, she stepped off. She hooked her claws into its throat and lifted it, staring into its mouth and its eyes. She flung it aside, not even wanting to snack on such a familiar face.

Violet shuddered and sighed, bringing her kits close. She stared at the two unnamed ones. She lay the tip of her black tail on the spotted one, and whispered, "Snake." She looked to the other one, a dark brown tabby just like her mate had been. His intricate pelt was sweet-smelling. She whispered out his new name, "Venom."

Ok so I was thinking of finally publishing this, thinking there was no better time to than in the middle of the series. It not only will provide context to the tragedy of VenomClan, but also providing leeway into determining, or predicting its future. Another interesting part about the future of this novel and its eventual counterpart/sequel, is that it allows one to see the patterns of original VenomClan ideologies and see where everything got skewed, or misconstrued.
Thoughts on the concept? Maybe for this entire book I'll have commentary?

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