Summon The Words

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Glenda's POV------------------------------------

   I walk into the tiny little room made of metal after Night told me what I am. It was as small as an elevator. 'I'm a summoner? What does that mean?' I think. I turn around to see the door closing. The last thing I see is Night pointing to another hallway before its black. The door makes a sound of rushing air after it closes. I stand there for what seems like forever when a light above me flickers on. "Identification please." A female voice says in a robotic way. What am I supposed to say? My name? Am I supposed to say 'I'm a trainee with Night?' "Identification please." The voice says again. "I'm Glenda." I quietly say. A couple of seconds go by before it answers. "Identification invalid. Please standby for termination." It responds. "What?!" I panic and I bang on the walls. "Night! Help me!" The sound of a machine coming to life fills the little room. The light turned off to keep me in complete darkness. I look up to see the roof lowering down. 'Oh god. Not like this. Not like this! I just got to keep calm. Keep. Calm.' I close my eyes and I focus on my mind. I sit down. I can see him. He has green radiating off of him. 'Night. I'm stuck in the room. How do I get out.' I hear myself say. "Say I summon." Night says. He walks up to me and touches my shoulder. "Then, we shall start." He fades away. I open my eyes and I shout what Night said to. "I SUMMON!" The machine sounds stopped and I looked up. The ceiling was receding back to where it started. "What do you summon, summoner?" The same voice says. I think to myself what I need most. My life saved? A door? Wait, that's it. A door. "I summon a door." I manage to say. I'm shaking like crazy. A whir and a click sound until it says, "Thank you Summoner. Summoning door." I look to my right. A purple line is obtruding from the door. I look at it while it illuminated my face. I reach for it. My index finger hits it and it flies up leaving a trail of purple behind it. It carves the shape of an oval in its wake. When it joins with where it started, it disappears, the trail still lingering in the wall. I touch it and it evaporates. The white light coming from the other room is so blinding, but I don't cover my eyes. I just, look into it. I see figures of people, birds, bears, dogs, everything. The cloud that makes the floor looks stable, so I step on. I expect to fall but it's as hard as a wood floor. "This is the spirit world. Welcome, young one." I up to where the voice came from and I see Night flying in on a bird. Classy. "This is where your spirits, who's words you will learn, are summoned from." He says. I look around as animals and humans alike gather around me. One of the human spirits approach me. I recognize this spirit. I've seen it before in my dreams, and in real life before he died. "...Dad...?" "Hello Glenda." He says as he takes my hand. He takes out a knife and stabs my chest with it. "Dad!" Is the last thing I can say before my world went black.

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