"So, Mia. What's going on between you and Brian?" I asked sipping from the milkshake I bought.

"I like him Lex." She said blushing while looking down at the floor. "I'm going out him tomorrow night."

"Do you trust him?"

"Yes. Shouldn't I?"

"I don't know Mia. I just want you to be careful okay." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

She nodded and hugged me.

"After seven years you're still looking after me." She said leaning back slightly to look me in the eyes.

"Of course. I've always looked after you, always will, I don't want to lose another sister."

"Oh Lexi you won't." She said leaning back in for another hug.

We walked back out of the diner to re-join the others and noticed that Dom had disappeared and Vince wasn't back yet.

"Hey. Where did Dom go?" Mia asked before I could.

"To see where Vince went." Letty responded before turning back to Jesse.

I finished off my milkshake then took my phone out to schedule a fake phone call, that would go off in 2 minutes which gave me the excuse to take off to 'answer' the call.

"Sorry Mia I have to take this." I said walking off making it look as if I was talking to someone on the phone.

I took off in the same direction that Vince had and waiting for the others to be in deep conversations before walking further away. I walked down the alleyway and heard smashing glass which made me worried enough to start climbing the nearest fire escape to the roof of the building. After peeling the windows for a broken one I finally found it and watched as Brian came climbing out.

He climbed down a drain pipe then out of no-where, I saw Vince come up behind him with a shotgun in his hands and knock him out.

I watched Vince drag him away from the scene and then suddenly drop him not too far away.

"Smells like a cop." Vince said pointing at Brian with his shotgun.

Who was he talking to?

I scanned the area and there was no-one.

Until Dom stepped out of the shadows, with his arms crossed looking quite pissed.

"Brian, this is one of those times that you have to be very clear about what you say." Dom said.

If I was Brian, shivers would be running down my back right about now, because Dom sure could scare the shit out of you.

 "Nod if you understand me."

"NOD!" Vince yells leaning in closer with his gun.

Brian nodded slightly, fearing that one false move and he would be shot.

"Sit up."

Brian got up slowly.

"Tell me what the hell you're doing down here?"

"Oh shit, what I'm doing." He breathed.

He had to think up a lie real fast.

"Dom, I...I owe you a ten second car, and what this is about, this is about race wars. I just went in there and Hector is going to be running three Honda civics, with spoon engines and on top of that he just came into Harry's and he ordered three T-66 Turbos, with NOS and a MOTEC system exhaust."

"So what are you saying, you gonna go around check everybody's shit out. One garage after another."

"Yeah." He said getting up slowly as Vince was prepared to shoot him. "Because Dom you know that I can't lose again."

"He's a cop. He's cop!" Vince said trying to get Dom to believe him.

Vince knew. I sighed a sigh of relief. But realised then that Dom didn't seem to believe him.

Why would Dom believe Brian, an outsider. Over his brother? 

"You a cop?" Dom asks Brian.

Brian shakes his head slightly.

"Let's go for a little ride." Dom said walking off.

Brian stood still not sure of what was happening.

"WALK!" Vince said.

They disappeared down an alley, but I remained on the rooftop.

What was I going to do?

I couldn't tell them the truth.

Even if I did, I wasn't too sure Dom would even believe me.

I felt more an outsider then Brian, and if Dom didn't believe Vince.

He sure as hell wasn't going to believe me.

I can't do anything but watch this all end in flames.

Why did I come back here?

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