Social transition

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(I have already mentioned part of this in the last one probably,  I just thought it would be a good chapter/part to add in)

I didn't struggle to socially transition too much, I made two friends who I no longer speaker to. Both called Cameron. I made friends with them through another friend who I am still quite close with. Basically I told her that I wanted to be known as Alex, not my birthname, so she called me by Alex and male pronouns. But she messed up once and then I had to explain to them. They actually accepted me straight away and were really supportive. I didn't expect them to be supportive in the slightest. But they both helped me quite a lot.

(Based off what they acted like and the type of people they were I was very confused at how supportive they were.)

I found it a lot easier to come out to people after my experience with them. But some people didn't react as well which was kinda upsetting. But I'll talk about that another time. I came out to most my friends and they all tried their best with pronouns etc. I lost a few people over it but I would rather have a small group of supportive friends than loads of transphobic ones. But when I was that age most people would know me as male anyway cos of how I dressed and had my hair. I didn't have the struggle like most transmen of coming out and then getting my boys clothes and haircut. Before I came out I had already socially transitioned pretty much.

(Anyone who needs advice then I will help if u need advice on social transition etc) sorry this wasn't too good thanks if you took your time to read it though.

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