Chapter 2

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"Psst!" someone called. I was fast asleep. I was too tired to answer. "Psst!" it got louder.  I heard it again. I continued sleeping, not even minding the person who is clearly calling me. I cuddled on my teddy bear and gripped my blanket. Right before I knew it, a hard object was hit to me. I think it was a rock. I opened my eyes and heard someone calling me again. I wasn't able to stand it anymore. i was really annoyed. I stood up and glanced at my window. It was Ivan, the guy next door. We're really great friends but we had to have a space from each other. He was my boyfriend, used to be. I found out that he was hanging out with someone else and we broke up. What?  I'm not overreacting about the situation. He was seeing someone else and I was hurt. Maybe you didn't experience this. But honestly, it hurts when smeone's cheating on you, been telling lies to you, especially when you gave all your love.

So back to the story. I jumped out of my bed and rushed to my dresser. I tied my messy hair and placed in my bunny slippers. I glanced at my clock and noticed it was still 1:25 am. I don't know what he wants but I'm sure it's worth it.  I ran to the window and signalled him to go up. He climbed up and smiled when he saw me. "You didn't change. Even a single bit. You're still the childish Louise I met." he smiled then bursted in laughter. I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on my hips. "Did you intentionally come here just to insult me or you need some help? Cause if you have no business, the window is always open" I snapped.  "Don't be such a kill-joy, Lu. Everyone has to laugh from time to time. Come on. So... I came here because I need help. Your help." then he glanced at my face and smiled.

"Seriously? Of all people, Why me? Whatever, I guess I'm your walking Google. What a life. So what's the deal?"  I faked a smile.

"There's this girl, her name's Haley. I really want to ask her out but I have no idea how. Probably a girl's advice would do." he said. "Ya' think? Well... where were the moves you used on me before?" I asked. I looked at him but he looked the other way. " Oh well..... So... This is how you should do. Befriend her first. Don't ask me how. Girls want originality. Once you and her are friends, ask her out. As simple as ABC." iI smiled. "What? You call that easy? Man! Why is it so hard to get girls to hang out with someone?" he frowned. "Girls look for boys who they think would fit their personality." I corked an eyebrow. 

"Oh whatever. If that's how girls like it then." he exclaimed.  He looked at me and smiled." Thanks for helping me, Lu.". Then he kissed me on the cheek. "Still the same childish Louise I fell in love with." I was shocked. I looked down to hide my blushy cheeks. He held my chin and glanced at my eyes. "I still love you, Lu. You know that.  Always had, always will." He smiled at me and climbed down out of my window. Silence entered the room. I was completely shocked, my mouth widely opened. "What the...... What the heck just happened?" I asked myself. Is it possible? Did he really mean it?  Whatever. Maybe I was just hallucinating. I sighed and went to my bed. I glanced at my clock and realized it was 2:00 am already. I stared blankly in the room, remembering the words that Ian said to me. I shooked my head. He couldn't have said that. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about it. After a few minutes, I was fast asleep.

"Louise!" a familiar voice shouted at the top of her lungs. I opened my eyes. And with blurry vision, I saw a figure of a woman crossing her arms. I rubbed my eyes. The view became crystal clear. It was my mom. "Young lady, you are so late!" she exclaimed.She pulled me up and pushed me to the bathroom. "I'll count until 60. If you can't finish when I'm done counting, I'm leaving!" she shouted.


Oh... If I could make her stop that counting. I turned on the tap and cold water runned down my body. It was so cold, I think I could shiver to death. After my cold shower, I went out and hurried to my closet.


I changed as fast as I could and ran down the stairs. Thankfully, I didn't trip.


Uh-oh. "I'm leaving!" my mom exclaimed. "Wait!" I shouted. I ran out of the door as fast as I can and opened the car door just before my mom could leave. "Almost,dear. Almost." she smiled.

Oh... What a relief. I tied my shoelace in the car since I wasn't able to do it at home. When I leaned down to tie the shoelace of the other shoe, I found out that my shoes were mismatched. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "Mom, this is all your fault. My shoes are mismatched. UH! Your the worst! ".

"Me? If you woke up earlier, those shoes of yours would have been matched."

"You made me hurry!"

"Don't blame me Louise or--"

My phone beeped. Someone emailed me. I checked my phone and realized it was that guy again that emailed me.

Him: Good Morning, crybaby. Hope you didn't cry all night.

Oh! Early in the morning and this stupid guy is messing with me. He is getting down my nerves and I couldn't take it anymore. I gripped my phone so hard I think it almost broke. I replied him with a rude message.

Me: Did not, freakshow. i'm not a crybaby, stop calling me that. I'm 17. And if I ever saw you, I'm gonna punch your face out.

My phone beeped again. Right before I could check the e-mail out, we arrived and I had to run so I won't be late. As I enter the school, almost everyone was staring at me. I was at first confused. Then I remembered that my shoes were mismatched. Oh, this day sucks.

"Nice shoes, Louise." a player commented. Then everyone started to laugh.

"Funny. Real funny." I said, corking an eyebrow. From a distance, I saw Emma. But it she was with someone. Someone familiar. I came nearer and realized it was the new guy! Oh dear, she's getting a chat with the hottest guy I had ever seen. I rushed to them and interrupted their chat.

"Hey there. How's it going? Can I borrow her for a slight moment?" I asked, faking a smile.

"Sure, no problem." he smiled. Gosh, his voice was so.... well, it's unexplainable. 

I pulled Emma and dragged her to a spot near the lockers. "What do you want?" she asked. "Problem! My shoes are mismatched!!" I gasped. She looked down and bursted in laughter. "Very funny." I smiled sarcassticly. "Okay.. S-sorry... Well... You could just not mind it and when someone laughs... tell them it's the new trend.. Simple!" she smiled. "Thanks but I need to talk to you about another thing."I said. "Sure... But hurry I have to continue talking to John about our project." she said. "John is his name? Well... That's what I was suppose to talk to you about.. I'm not in the catch for him anymore because I know you two make a perfect couple.. But Em, take it slow and easy, don't rush.. You don't know where he came from or what his background is... But I wish you the best.. Luck on you.." I smiled and tapped her back. "Thanks Lu." she smiled back and pinched me on the cheek. She ran back to John and continued their chat. I walked and glanced back. I saw John wave at me and I smiled and waved back. 

*Riiinggg* The bell rang... Class time again.. Man, I hate class... As soon as I was to enter the room, my phine buzzed.. I glanced at my phone... Uh! It's him again.. I hope it's not an insult again... I clicked on some icon so I could read the message.. uh.. why does it have to take so much time for it to load... no, wait... Why am I so excited to read his e-mail? NO.. I don't like him....  Well... FInally! It's done loading.. I sat down my chair and read the e-mail...


Wahaha!! Cliffhanger!!  Throw tomatoes if you want... no liquid please.. It would stain me.. Love you guyz!! Thanks for reading!! I'll try my best to update faster :D  Thanks guyz!   

Continue reading!!

X.O.X.O. purplemilkteelove <3

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