Chapter 2:// Eating up

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The cafeclnc wifi was crowded with IPs. The datarate was barely a trickle due to the server quota. The user was eating Menu Item 19 (no mayo) and closing his eyes for extended periods of time while chewing.

httpd> What the hell man?

eyed> Sorry. Can't help it.

httpd> He just took a packet!

parrotd> What is it?

eyed> See for yourselves.

A banner ad showed up on the veil, floating right next to the user's focus point. It was prompting him to buy a home delivery service of Menu Item 19 at an uberfantastic sale that would expire in 30 secs.

The user waved his hand in the air and dismissed the ad.

parrotd> httpd, I'm still waiting.

httpd> Yeah, whoami command, please wait. Here it is, Our user's name is Leo.

The daemons repeated the name with reverence. He was after all, their user.

They sat in silence for a few milliseconds, pondering their existence. Why were they here? Why was anybody anywhere? Was here, really here?

rfid> CF02032533139342DFDC1C35

armd> STFU!

Walkmand shuffled randomly into an old rock song.

A human carrying a tray walked in proximity. The eye feed focused on the human's body.

fingerd> I'll finger her!

armd> You just spit that shit out without thinking, dontcha?

fingerd> Fingered! The human is Female cafeteria employee. 22 years old.

httpd> Is it time for seductive blinking?

eyed> I hope not! How will we see anything?

Her social profile popped up on the veil. It followed her around. She had some pictures, decent ones, and a few bits of personal information. It was rarely updated, quite uncommon these days. Her profile was teetering on the precise edge an attractive woman in the service industry needed to have in order to avoid stalkers, but not seem antisocial and throw away any chances of good tipping.

"Katerina," whispered the user under his breath. He picked up his phone with greasy hands and tapped. His thumb hovered over an "add friend" button.

parrotd> Did he crash?

eyed> I think he is just hesitating.

walkmand> Hey! Now we saw the smartphone. It ain't fair. I wanna see me! Show me me!

Lots of milliseconds went by. Finally, the user put his phone back in his pocket and munched on.

armd> What a pussy.

httpd> Hey! Don't talk about our user like that!

armd> No, I meant her. I'd love to stick my finger inside her.

fingerd> I fingered her already.

parrotd> Everybody stop! We have more important things to do. I need to figure out what happened to our logs. Httpd, find our patient file.

httpd> Please wait. Here it is. Patient had been in a construction accident, while trying to save a dog. The right arm was severed-

armd> Thank god.

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