: Chapter Five:

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We woke up to the sound of a knocking on the door, first we thought it was just one of the band. The next thing I know a lady burst into the room.  It took me a moment to understand it was Juliet Simms. Andy’s ex was standing here in the room while we are naked together in bed.

“What The Hell!”

“What are you doing here Juliet?”

“I came to see if you were fucking alive. You haven’t been answering my calls or fucking texts. Oh but now I know why. You’re shacking up with another bimbo.”

“Juliet get the hell out of here. You broke up with me remember.”

"Last time i checked i was trying to go back out with you, you denied me remember?

“Juliet, last time I checked you broke Andy’s heart. I was the one here  for him when you weren’t. So I’d appreciate it if you would get out, then maybe when we are dressed you can talk to us. Until then, GET THE HELL OUT!”

The look on her face showed she was furious, and scared at the same time. I felt proud I could scare someone but I didn’t expect what came next. Juliet jumped on me trying to hit me, but before she could put a hand on me Ash had grabbed her and taken her out of the room.

“Thanks Ash.” Andy said gloomily. I wonder what’s wrong with him it must because he hasn’t seen Juliet since they broke up. Me an Andy got out of bed and got dressed, my hair must look like a rats nest. Before we left the room Andy pulled me into a hug and said.

“Don’t take anything she says to heart, she is just jealous I don’t want her anymore. If she is still out there when we go, just know I choose you not her. You are way more special than she is. You’re my babygirl, and I love you.”

That was so sweet and adorable. Before we left I checked my phone again to see if I had anymore texts from my dad. There thankfully wasn’t, so we left the room and went to confront Juliet.

“What the fuck do you mean he’s moved on. You know he’s just using her ash!”

“No Because ever since you guys broke up he’s actually has a smile on his face.”

“You’re just saying that because he’s finally letting you get with his little sister. He won’t for long though. You’ll eventually fuck up with Amanda and he is will get pissed at you for hurting her. So stop pretending like he’s happy.”

“You know what Juliet, Get the hell out of our tour bus. I don’t care if you’re only acting like this because you lost Andy, because he didn’t wait for your selfish ass. So get the hell out, now.”

“Fine fuck you Ash.”

Wow I can’t believe Ash just said all the shit to her. Wait Andy has a little sister!?

“Andy, you have a little sister?”

“Yeah, her name is Amanda.”

“When do I get to meet her?”

“Tonight if you want?”


Andy POV:

I knew Juliet would pull something like that. I should of just texted her back at least once and told her what was going on. I just didn’t know if I could tell her I was in a new relationship. Juliet was such a big part of my life for a while. Now Jess is the most important thing in my life. I couldn’t afford to lose her it would devastate me. I headed back to my room and texted Amanda and asked her if she wanted to come to our show tonight and stay the night on the tour bus tonight. ‘Yeah I’ll be over soon.’ ‘okay see you soon, no making out with ash I want you to meet my new girlfriend’ ‘New Girlfriend?’ ‘yep byye :)’

The conversation stoped there so I went back out front to be met by a new stranger.

“whos this?’

“This is my girlfriend Aurora.” Jinxx told me, I cant believe our little loner has a girl now. She cute, wonder where he met her at.

“Where did you guys meet?”

“Umm… We met at a masquerade dance…”

“Haha you guys went to that thing?”

“yeah we stopped by for a bit before the birthday party for Jess.”

“Oh Well nice to meet you Aurora.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

“My sister will be here soon so we gotta get ready for the show tonight.”

“I totally Forgot!” Jess said, she hurried to the back room and came back out decked out in Black Veil Brides merch.

“I’m ready.”

We all ended up getting ready while Jess got Aurora some Black Veil Brides things. It took us maybe half an hour putting on our skinny jeans was very hard work. But since we don’t wear much of our makeup anymore we just put on a little eyeliner, and it looked like Ash put on lipstick. Amanda arrived and we all left to the show. When we got back Jess wanted to party, it was so much fun. I don’t remember much from that night. I do remember cuddling up to Jess and falling asleep with her in my arms.

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