Day 13

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Dawn went into a coma. It's the nurse, Amanda, writing this. I think it's what Dawn would have wanted. The cancer spread to her brain even more and her body just gave up on her. It shouldn't be long until she passes away. At least she won't suffer anymore. I was the one who found her like that, Mr. Iero was out with his kids when it happened. She was conscious this morning, but by noon, she was gone. I had to call him here. It was hard for him. It would be hard for anyone, but it devastated him. He was locked in his studio for a long time. At first, I could hear the guitar sound through the house, but now it's just silence. Legacy and Lucia have no idea what's going on. I just kept telling them that Dawn is asleep and needs to rest. Those poor kids don't know what they are going to go through. When Frank came out of his hiding place, he looked devastated. His eyes were red from crying, he looked really pale, and he was trembling badly. He left with his two children to some unknown place. I don't think Dawn would have wanted him to handle the situation like this. He'll move on, they all do. And since he has two kids, that'll give him the motivation to keep going. He came back with a bouquet of roses and laid the flowers around the room. Then he held on to Dawn's broken body and cried. I left him alone, sure enough to give him some privacy. I could still hear his wretched sobs as he cried for his wife. I had to get out of the house for three or so hours. I remember when Dawn first diagnosed with cancer, I have been her personal nurse ever since. I saw the family go through stages of hope, desperation, regret, guilt, and much more. But when she was told she was going to die, I envied her. She accepted her faith without hesitation. She was a strong woman. She was filled with life and joy. She had a terrible end. She died.

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