Weasker Blade Episode 3

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1 Year Later

Weasker Blade was no where to be found
Midnight this two guy and girl walks in the dark by then self all of the sudden 4 vampire come runing to them and they started runing and all four the jump on them and and they names wear Jackson,Joe,John, and Roman four vampire they call them selfs the Blood Rushers.

Roman: lets kill this 2 Bitchs

They all walk to them but Blades jumps down in frount of them and said..IM BACK
then Roman Said get him then all of then went to blade then Blade Kill all of them and then the Leader come up be him blade Hit him with a rock and carry him in put him i the truck

Then tired him up spo he want get out.
Josh: Blade you not going no wear

Blade:when i get out im going to kill you

Josh:try me

Blade didnt have no where to go he was stuck then josh put blade under the ground amd lock it then no havent seen blade since he

All the Vampires taking over and there noting blade can do about it says..josh and people was get eating and then josh killed few more then

Josh: i lock blade under the ground and no one will find him

To be Continued

Thanks staytooned episode4 comeing soon! To see what will happen next:

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