In Remembrance of Alan Rickman

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Alan Rickman was an amazing British actor who died on January 14th, 2016 at age 69 from cancer. He was an amazing actor, who was in:

- Robin Hood

-Sense and Sensibility


-Die Hard

-and every single Harry Potter.

I remember him most in Harry Potter. He was an amazing actor. It wasn't just anyone who could be Severus Snape. He's remembered especially from his seductive voice and being easy to direct.

I am writing this at 5:26 PM on the day that he died, and I'm still depressed. Now, I can't watch any new movie, and be able to say: "OMG! SNAPE!"

So, let's all take a moment of silence for Alan Rickman. The one who brought happiness to the hearts of Harry Potter lovers, because without him, the Harry Potter movies wouldn't be complete.

(This isn't a real chapter btw)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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