At chipotle

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Taylor and I get to Chipotle and order some burritos. 
we ate our food and sat talking for a while. As I said being with Taylor was cheering me up and making me forget about my depression. I was actually enjoying our girls day out.

''Hey Tay, I'm gonna hit the bathroom before we go back to the car. You know  me I'm always peeing.'' I said. 

''Yeah, God girl you have to go like every hour.'' She joked with me. 

I got up and started walking towards the bathroom. It was a one stall unisex bathroom that was occupied by someone at the moment. I stood and waited my turn. A few minutes later the door opened and out comes this handsome tallish guy with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He looked drained. We made eye contact and he smiled faintly at me. This face looked really familiar to me. I feel like I've seen this guy before. Wait, I have. This guy was my favorite hockey player Brayden Schenn. I've been a fan of Brayden for 5 years and have never gotten a chance to meet him. I'm also not the type of girl who freaks out over hockey players. I mean after all they're human beings just like you and I. I really did want to ask Brayden for a photo but I didn't have it in me. He looked super exhausted. I'm sure after a practice he just wanted to have lunch and get home and relax. I just smiled back at him and just  said.
'' Hey you're Brayden Schenn.'' Calm as can be. 

''Yes, I am.'' He said smiling.

I think he liked the fact that I didn't flip out over him cause he actually started to have a conversation with me. He asked me how I was and he had told me that he had been sick the past few days. Well, that would explain why he was so off at practice today. Since Brayden was so friendly and sweet even tho he was sick and I really felt bad but I thought I'd take a chance and ask him for a photo. I mean it could be once in a life time. 

'' Brayden, before I go would you mind if I took a photo with you? Its totally ok if you say no. I really have no right to be bothering you like this when you're out having lunch.'' I asked nervously.

''Stop, You're totally fine. I don't mind you taking a photo.''
I put my phone on selfie mode and Brayden and I took our picture. I thanked him for being so nice to me and he replied no problem beautiful and we went on our way.

What?  Was I dreaming? Did Brayden Schenn just call me beautiful. No I must be hearing things. 

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