At the rink

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Taylor and I get to the rink and take our usual spot on the side. 
The boys were starting to take ice slowly one by one. 
I always liked going to practices. I thought it was cool to watch the boys do their drills and stuff. 
So, I'm standing there watching when I noticed something was a little off with Brayden Schenn.
Call me a creeper but I watch him closely cause hes my favorite player. I been watching him play for a long time now.  I noticed he was skating a little slower than usual and he kept stopping on the side and leaning over the bench as if he was in pain.  I didn't really think anything of it tho. 

''Hey Amanda, whats wrong with your boy? He doesn't seem like himself today.'' Taylor said to me. 
''Yeah, I know. I was thinking the same thing. I thought maybe it was my imagination or something.'' I said. 

He did take the full practice and kept up the best he could with the rest of the team. Maybe he was just tired. The boys did have a game that went into overtime last night. Maybe he wasn't feeling good. Hes human just like anyone else. What did I know?

Practice ended and me and Taylor left the rink.

''I'm hungry. Want to get lunch?'' Taylor asked. 
''Sure I could go for something.'' I replied 

''Lets go to chipotle.'' Taylor said. 
''Sounds good to me.'' I replied and we got on our way. 

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