...Cant think of a title right now.

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Jacks POV

I headed towards the shop, the rain very lightly hitting my hoodie, my stomach twisted and turned when Mark came in my head, should I leave him there?...or should I go back and check up on him...besides It was just a misunderstanding...what was? Im acutally not too sure myself...I looked up at the sky...dark and wet . The rain was softly hitting my face, I Looked down after some time...I stopped for a few seconds, yet pondering. I kept walking what seemed like forever,after a while, I get a call...the callers number was not recognizable to me...I cancelled it...but the call was answered anyway,"Hello...Jack, w e l c o m e  t o  h e l  l , you're fairly stupid, arent ya? You cant even save your friend.." I gulped...I dont even know this person, yet I guess, he knows about Mark..Wait...MARK!! I tried to run back, but I guess Mark found me first, "Jack, where *pant* are you...hold on,I just need to catch my breath..hooooooooooooooo...okey,then, I shall now continue...*deep breath* going?"Mark came, but I felt like he wasnt there...was he? Well...That's beside the point.we bumped heads...and I mean that our foreheads touched, and now... (im gonna be really dramatic today) my head hurts...Mark immediately fell on the floor, I felt someone come up behind me... A huge impact swung across my head, making me fall into the abyss of darkness ans despair called...unconsciousness.

*Random minutes later brought to you by freddy shoving butter up his nose and Chica cooking pizza with her chicken butt*

Mark's Pov

I slightly opened my eyes, only to see a baby with strange green hair and my height has increased dramatically...its like a dream come true...But the house looked strangely familiar...some how, I was in a 2 storey house, the Television was on, from a huge window normally from the bedr- wait a minute...AM I IN WHO'S YOUR DADDY? ?? Just From the window reflection, I looked hideous. ..wait then that means...Whos the baby? Mostly baby, its a freaking green haired baby.Its asleep and seems to be saying in its sleep...Booper Dooper...Are you serious?

Sorry!!! I haven't been updating because lack of...well, productivity.
I hope this can help make it up

Best friends forever? SeptiplierTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon