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Olivia sat in the hospital bed with Elliot holding her hand. They had been waiting for a doctor to come and examiner her. They had both been in the exam room holding the hand of a victim before and they knew they had been waiting to long. 

"I will be right back" Elliot said as he placed Olivia's hand softly onto the bed. As he walked away, Olivia bent her legs and pressed them against her chest wrapping her arms around them. She was watching his every move. 

"Why hasn't she seen a doctor?" Elliot said to the on call resident who was working at the time. "We have been here for over an hour" he lowered his voice and leaned in to make sure Olivia didn't hear him. "She wants to shower and she can't yet, she has to sit there with that disgusting guys DNA all over her. I want a damn doctor now!" He demanded. 

Elliot walked back over to Olivia's bedside and took her hand. He sat down on the bed and Olivia rested on him. They waited only five more minutes before a doctor came to see them. 

"I'm sorry this took so long. I'm Dr. Wyatt" she sat down on a stool in front of the bed. She handed Elliot a stack of paperwork that needed to be filled out. After Elliot was done and Dr. Wyatt explained everything she had to do, even though they both already knew, she said, "We have to get started now." She went over to the table to gather the things she will have to use. 

"Olivia, I'll be right outside" Elliot said as he was rising to his feet. 

"I don't want you to leave" Olivia told him as he grabbed at his hand. 

"Are you sure?"

Olivia didn't respond to him. She just pulled his hand tighter and starred into his eyes. Elliot sat back done beside her. Dr. Wyatt sat back down in front of Olivia's legs and said "I'm sorry but this might be cold"


Olivia's apartment was a crime scene. She couldn't go back to it. Elliot took her back to his home.

Olivia stood in the bathroom while Elliot started a shower.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything, just tell me." he told her. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. He left the bathroom and kept the door slightly open. 

Olivia stood in front of the shower wanting to rid herself from bacteria but not wanting to uncover herself. She took off each piece of clothing the hospital had provided for her and placed them on the floor. She stepped into the shower and placed her head directly under the water. She turned on more of the hot so it would make her feel something. 

Elliot sat outside of the bathroom door in case she needed anything. He could hear her undressing and stepping in. He could hear her movements as she washed herself.  The sounds of light foot prints stopped suddenly and all he could hear was water hitting the ground. He didn't want to rush in so he waiting for a minute. He knocked on the door lightly.

"Olivia, are you okay?" There was no answer. He slowly opened the door and saw that she wasn't out of the shower so she must still be in there. The room was full of steam from the scolding hot water. "Olivia?" he repeated. He slid the shower door open to see Olivia sitting on the floor with her knees against her chest and her head buried in them. The hot water was pouring down on her. It burned Elliot to the touch. He shut the water off and stepped in the shower with her. He wrapped her in his arms and she just sat there. She wasn't crying, she wasn't moving, she wasn't talking, she just sat there. 

"Let's get you out" 

Elliot picked her up and carried her to the bed. He had clothes lying there waiting. Olivia put on the shirt but froze after that. Elliot helped her with the rest. All the time she had just sat there and didn't say a word. He folded down the sheets and laid her on her side. 

"I'm going to sleep on the couch, okay? I'll be right out there and you just call if you need anything." 

Elliot went and made his bed on the couch. He laid there for about an hour before nodding off. Olivia laid in Elliot's bed until her eyes finally shut. She didn't think she could fall asleep but her body has a mind of it's own and she hasn't had one once of rest in almost thirty-six hours, she was exhausted. 

Once Olivia had been asleep for about an hour, Elliot woke to her screams coming from the other room. He was instantly in a sweat and rushed into the bedroom. Olivia was still asleep but she was tossing and turning and screaming.

"NO NO NO NO" she shouted repeatedly. 

"Olivia! Olivia! It's okay. It's okay." Elliot told her as he rushed to her. He wrapped her in his arms and he tried to calm her. She woke up from Elliot's touch and started punching him. Elliot took her arms and put them at her sides.

"Olivia! It's me! It's Elliot!"

Olivia realized it was Elliot she was using as a human punching bag and not Brian. 

"I I'm sor sorry" she tried to let the words escape her mouth. 

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay" Elliot repeated to her. "It's all going to be okay" 

They sat there for a while until Olivia laid down on her side. Elliot stood up and he was about to leave the room because he though she was asleep. 

"Please don't leave me" Olivia told him.

"I won't." Elliot walked to the side of the bed where he laid down next to her. He wrapped his arm around her and held her tightly. "I would never leave you."

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