Chapter 24 "Let's work it out"

Start from the beginning

“Oh, God” I said with my eyes wide open.

“Ahh, who are you? And what have you done with Theresa?” he joked as he was laughing so hard

“It’s not funny, Styles. Come in. I’m going to remove all this thing out of my face”

“No, you look so pretty with it. Don’t remove it!”

“Enough, Styles, enough” I said giving him a killed look.

“Ok, but no, I meant it, seriously. At least you are the most beautiful alien I’ve ever seen so far”

“You’ve never seen an alien before, you bastard!” I said giggling

“I know, but… anyways”

“Ok, all done. So what’s bring you here?” I said as I tried to dry my face

“Mmm do you have pop corns?”

“Yeah, why? Did you bring a film?”

“Yeah, The Notebook. Your favourite” he said smiling

“How did you know?” I was certainly surprised.

“Well, let’s say I was bored and read your twit and watched your twitcam. By the way you and [Y/N] are so funny”

“Hahah yeah, we are. Well, so put this popcorn box in the microwave as I’m going to find some blankets ‘cause it’s getting cold. Do you think you could manage that?” I asked him.

“Are you serious?”

“What? Who knows? Not everyone knows how to put the microwave on”

I went to find some blankets and when the popcorn was ready we sat on the couch and turned the TV on. The movie started and we were seated leaving some space between us. After a while, I was freezing, even with the blanket covering me. I was literally shaking and Harry noticed that.

“Hey, are you cold?” he said

“Yeah, a little bit”

“Come here” he replied doing a movement with his head to come closer to him.

He put his arms around me and started rubbing my arms and back to warm me a little bit. I rested my head on his chest and continued watching the film. The bowl of popcorn was between my legs and his legs. I went to grab some but instead of grabbing popcorn I touched Harry’s hand. And instead of putting away his hand he held mines and started doing small circles with his thumb. I wasn’t going to say no, I mean, it’s Harry Styles and I liked him, which was for sure.

We kept on watching the film and I was starting to feel a bit sentimental about the whole story of the film.

“Theresa, are you crying?” he asked me “I have my t-shirt all wet”

I looked up at him with my eyes full of tears

“I’m sorry… it’s just… It’s so beautiful… that…” I started sobbing and he giggled.

“Ohh, babe. You look so cute when you’re sentimental, you know?”

“Shut up, it’s not funny, you’re going too far today, Styles. You’ll see the consequences…”

“Oh yeah…? What would you do to me?” he said looking at me. We weren’t now paying attention to the film but to us.

“I don’t know, but mean boys must be punished. Weren’t you thought that at school?”

“Nope…” he said getting closer to me. Our faces were just a few inches away from each other now. “I was thought to chase what you want in life”

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