Spirited Away 2 - Hidden Love - Chapter Twenty-One

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Spirited Away 2 – Hidden Love

(A/N: Hello there guys! Sorry for the long update! But I just want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU for the 10,000+ views! Never knew I would get there with this! So thank you and I may give you an extra special chapter like a sort of OVA… After… For the people who are questioning about how Haku's river got polluted when it got drained… Well to me, I think that a river never starts and ends, so I just imagined a start like far away into the countryside and that was where it got polluted! So there you go! Please R&R!)

Chapter Twenty One

Haku frantically looked around for any traces in his room, he began to cough but he carried on, until he found a small piece of paper. It had Chihiro's lacy; he instantly grabbed it and read the letter.


If you are reading this, I will already be on my way to find this Water God, but please don't worry, everything will be fine! I've packed the stuff Granny told me to and that includes your sword. Thank you! Also, the rings will be useful, so if I'm ever in danger, I will be sure to contact as soon as! Thank you and please hang in there!

From your best friend Chihiro.

Haku folded the letter and kept it in his trouser pockets and went out to find Zeniba.

"Haku, you really shouldn't be out of your room, come on, I'll take you back with your breakfast as well," Zeniba explained and Haku nodded.

Once they arrived back in Haku's room, he impatiently began to ask Zeniba questions.

"Is Chihiro alright? Where is she going? Is she alone? Will her…" Haku was suddenly stopped as Zeniba forced a spoonful of porridge into his mouth, which left Haku angrily choking and Zeniba chuckling to herself.

"What was that for?" Haku asked angrily once he had stopped coughing.

"I'm sorry, but I think you are worrying too much, Chihiro will be fine," Zeniba explained and she reached for Haku's hand, who instantly flinched.

"Haku, it's fine, don't get so agitated, I'm only going to let you see Chihiro from your ring," Zeniba explained and Haku nodded as he gave Zeniba his ring.

"Here, the ring has two layers on so just twist the right one to see Chihiro," Zeniba explained as she showed Haku and handed back the ring. The ring shone a white beam and there was a picture of the road, where Chihiro was walking on.

"Chihiro, please be safe…"

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Chihiro sauntered down the long dusty road and glanced down at the map once in a while, to make sure she was going the right way. When she ended up at a point where she could go tow ways, she looked at the map for guidance, but realized that there were no signs of two roads. Chihiro gasped and looked back to judge whether or not she should and realized that there was nothing there, just pitch blackness.

"Where am I?" Chihiro asked herself and she looked at the map for the last time before placing it into her pocket.

"Right or left?" Chihiro asked and she glanced at the two sides, before heading back into the darkness.

No Chihiro, not there!

"Huh? Who's there? Show yourself!" Chihiro shouted and turned around and now realized there was only one path for her to go on.

"Fine, here we go," Chihiro whispered to herself and clung onto her shining necklace.

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Spirited Away 2 - Hidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora