Spirited Away 2 - Hidden Love - Chapter Seventeen - Love Exchanged with Gifts

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Spirited Away 2 – Hidden Love

(A/N: Hello guys! Sorry for the long wait! Been busy! And for UK fans, (ME!) I've been watching the Studio Ghibli Season on Film Four! AMAZING! Anyway thank you for reviews, follows and faves! Also, pillowpandabear 994, I'm sorry but I can't tell you that… yet!)

Chapter Seventeen

Haku woke up with the tasty smell of food, he quickly stood up and glanced at the bed, panicking when he did not see Chihiro, he bolted out of the balcony and was about to shout Chihiro, when he saw her, sleeping on the desk, with something clenched in her hand.

"Chihiro?" Haku whispered as he slowly walked towards her.

"Hmm… Haku?" Chihiro whispered in response to her name, as she slowly opened her eyes, she jumped back in surprise as she saw how close Haku had positioned his face towards her. She felt a small blush crawling onto her face. Haku jumped back as well, he too blushed as well, as he realized how close he was to her.

"Sorry, I was…" Haku cursed himself as he tried to make sense of things. Until he saw the slight glimmer from Chihiro's hand.

"What's that?" Haku asked as he pointed towards Chihiro's hand.

"What's what? Nope, nothing there, I mean, nothing…?"Chihiro babbled and brought her hand behind her back. Haku grinned a little and Chihiro gulped nervously. Before Chihiro was able to run away from Haku's clutches, he wrapped his arms around Chihiro and tickled her until her legs gave way from the constant laughter. Haku also laughed to himself as he gazed at Chihiro's smile. Once Haku had stopped tickling Chihiro, he gazed into Chihiro's eyes and he tightened his grip on her waist and began to lean in. Chihiro held onto Haku's free hand and slowly closed her eyes. Their lips inches away…

"Good morning guys!" Lin shouted as she swung the door open, she gasped as she saw Chihiro being held by Haku, their faces inches away. Lin grinned as she gazed at the sight. With the strong struggles Chihiro gave, Haku instantly let her go. Chihiro placed an arm over head and left Haku standing there, as the redness of anger and embarrassment overwhelmed him.

"Aww, where you two…?" Lin asked and Chihiro began to drag Lin away and quickly stopped to glance at Haku.

"I'll see you at breakfast," Chihiro explained to Haku and she faced Lin. "Come on Lin, we're preparing breakfast."

"We are?" Lin asked slyly and Chihiro shot a deathly look towards Lin, who instantly looked shocked.

"Erm, yes of course we are…?" Lin asked as she was dragged away.

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"So, go on, spill the gossip!" Lin shouted as Chihiro prepared breakfast, ignoring Lin completely.

"Honestly Lin, leave her alone!" Zeniba explained as she sat down beside Chihiro.

"Here dear, let me finish this off, and you can go get Haku," Zeniba offered and Chihiro nodded, she stood up and fell backwards against Haku.

"Good morning," Haku exclaimed to everyone and Chihiro quickly stepped away from him.

"I'm sorry," Chihiro explained and bowed down her head. Hakus shook his head and placed a hand over her head and lead her to the table.

"Let's eat!" Lin yelled and grinned innocently. Haku moved over to sit next to Chihiro, but then Lin abruptly sat in between them, again she grinned a huge innocent grin at them both. Haku looked away with frustration and Chihiro simply giggled.

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