He Might be Worth it

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I have a problem. I'm moving soon and I am going to be outta-of-the-state. I'm going leave my boyfriend(Tyler), we both go 'lovey dovey' on each other, so I am really really going to miss him. My friends said I should forget about him, belive me I tried!! But EVERYTHING reminds me of him.

 I tried long-distance relationship, but when I was sick for a minor cold he SKIPPED class for me. And when I left for vacation, he almost bought a plane ticket to where I went (it was hawaii) He can be a pain...ALOT but he is really sweet.PLEASE PLEASE REPLY!!!Or I am going to feel a huge hole in my heart thinking I did the wrong choice....


 I can feel your pain. If Tyler did all of those things for you, he must be an amazing person. I would say moving on is the best choice for any relationship ,but in this case Tyler must love you and trust me boys always TRY to move on. And what I mean by that is that if he can spend time thinking about you while you live out of the state then he may be worth it. There is a saying that goes like this; If you love something, Set it free... If it comes back, it's yours, If it doesn't, it never was yours, Tyler came back or I would rather say stayed, so maybe you should give it one last chance.

-I'm not trying to sound all lovey dovey and stuff ,but love can over come anything, if you just try. <3 Thank you sooo much for coming to me and I really hope everything works out, and trust me I usually think love is overrated sometimes ,but I can see something in you and Tyler's relationship. Again thank you soo much <3

-I love all of the people that are giving me a chance please don't give up on me

-Remember Always; Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

-Cupids Conquerer <3

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