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The night was eerily quiet as the last waiter finished mopping the floor in Stu's Diner. He looked around the diner, with a strange feeling someone was watching him; but there was no one there. He shrugged and brushed it off as he collected his backpack and flicked off the lights. Looking around one last time, he pulled the door closed behind him and locked it.

The silence was broken by a soft whistle. He jumped and looked around for the source, but again, no one was seen. A cold shiver ran down his spine, and he turned quickly, changing his course and heading for the alley behind the diner. As soon as he entered the dark alley, he regretted it. It was pitch black, with light shining from the other end around 500m away. He stepped forward warily before hesitating. Now more than ever there was the feeling that some one was behind him. He turned slowly, looking carefully in the corners for anyone. Turning back he decided to make a run for it. As soon as he started running, something tripped him up. Cursing as he hit the ground, he rolled over and looked at his ankle. To his horror, there was a hand clasped around it. Screaming he shook his leg and scrambled to his feet, facing the terror in the alley.

Emerging from the shadows were five people, but they didn't look like normal people. Their faces were gaunt and drawn and pale as snow. There were deep purple bags under their eyes and their hair was all long, lank and greasy. It was difficult to tell if they were male or female until you looked at their clothes. There were two females dressed in short skirts and belly-baring tanks, and three males in jeans and shirts, all grinning evilly. One started whistling again, and the terrifed guy jumped backwards into the bins against the back of the diner.

"Here's dinner!" One of the males smirked as the others started laughing.

As moonlight creeped out from the clouds and glinted off their faces, their razor sharp fangs were revealed. He turned and tried to run once more before he was grabbed from behind and pinned to the ground as all five jumped on him with their fangs gleaming. His screams were cut abruptly short as his throat was ripped out brutally by the creatures.

They scavenged until he was drained dry, before melting into the shadows once more, leaving a bloodless corpse amongst the trash in the alley.

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