Where To Now?

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“What about them? What about Earth?” Demi asked a little while later, sitting on the steps near the console. The Doctor ran around, pressing buttons and flipping switches. “Oh, Earth will be fine. I’ve set a portal transporter on countdown. By the time we’ve gone and the Slitheen get in, it will go off and transport them back to where they came from. Earth will be saved and your great - times 20 - grandchildren can live in peace once more.” Demi smiled at the Doctor as he continued to run round. He looked like a kid in a candy store and it had slowly become Demi’s favourite sight in the universe. “I can’t believe we were just hundreds of years in the future!” Demi exclaimed as the Doctor finally settled beside her. She was finally able to express her excitement about being in the future now she wasn’t running from hungry aliens. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Granted, it was one of our more dangerous trips but, nevertheless, it was fun.” “Is it weird that I find all this running fun?” Demi asked. The Doctor frowned. “I’m glad one of us enjoys the running.” Demi looked at her friend sadly. “It can’t be helped, Doctor. You know that.” The Doctor sighed and smiled weakly at her. “I know. But I’ve always just run from the people who want to hurt me. I never have to worry because it’s only me and I can take care of myself. But I’ve never had to run because someone is trying to hurt another; trying to hurt some I love.” Demi tried not to think about the fact the Doctor had basically just told her he loved her. To be truthful, since she began her travels with him, Demi had felt the increase of certain feelings for him. She had come to find that she loved everything about him, even the annoying things. He treated her like a child, for example, but she had learned to take it as him being protective. “Right! Where shall we go now? Ancient Egypt? Atlantis? London in the Swinging 60s?” The Doctor attempted to do a little dance, but failed miserably, receiving only laughter from Demi. “The 60s sound awesome…” Demi trailed off. “But?” The Doctor asked. “I’d really like to go home for little. I think Moly might be catching on to the fact we’re not a summer camp as cabin leaders.” “Why wouldn’t she still believe that?”  “It’s been a year since we left.” “Yes, but we can just flip a few switches on the TARDIS console and poof we’re back to the day we left.” “Does that mean we can go back?” The Doctor sighed and looked at Demi seriously; she instantly knew the answer was no. “Please, Doctor?” Demi begged. She grabbed his arm pleadingly. “Please?” She whispered. The Doctor sighed and smiled at her. Kissing her forehead, he jumped up and started fiddling with the console again. “Dallas, Texas here we come!” He yelled as the TARDIS began to shake.

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