F O U R - I T W A S T H E W O M A N

Start from the beginning

"Please don't" The woman whimpered and Jasmine stopped moving foward, recognizing this scene.

She pictured herself on the floor where Rose was. And James as herself.

"Don't worry sweetness. I won't hurt you" Jasmine helped Rose onto the bed.

"P-Please" Rose tried to move away from her.

"Don't worry... I'll make everything better" Jasmine hushed her and made a slit down her arm..


"You're not as cold hearted as I thought" James said when Jasmine left her hotel room.

"I thought someone was perving on me" Jasmine glared at the man in front of her.

"Well Elizabeth had said you were having sex with someone else. We are technically still married" James said.

"We were married when you brought Elizabeth into our home" Jasmine strutted down the hallway with James right next to her.

"You said you were fine with her" James grunted and Jasmine shook her head.

"Of coarse I said I was okay with it! What woman would really be okay with her husbands mistress living here?" Jasmine stomped her foot.


"Throwback... To the twentys" Jasmine spoke slowly to Will.

"Yes! Doesn't that sound fun? And you'll perform!" Will smiled but Jasmine didn't look very happy.

" I have this whole line of old clothes. And I think-" Jasmine cut Will off.

"I have something else I want to wear" Jasmine ignored Will's protests and walked up the stairs to her room.

Rose had wandered off somewhere in the hotel the night before. Dazed and confused.

Jasmine opened the closet door. One that no one knew about. A hidden closet behind the dresser. Jasmine's closet.

Jasmine walked down the aisle of clothes, dragging her hand across the old, dusty clothes. She felt every bead, stitch and stiffness of the clothes James had bought for her.

Jasmine froze when she stopped at the long black bag. It was the outfit she had bought nearly 100 years before. She had only worn it once, when she tried it on in the store. Jasmine remembered how jittery she was at the store. She bought it to wear at James and her anniversary party. 

Jasmine unzipped the bag, revealing the dark red fabric.

Oh how James loved red on her.

It was elegant and sexy for a woman of her class, James used to say.

Jasmine would joke about how she thought James wanted to see her in blood from how much he loved the color red on her. Now she didn't find it funny. He had seen her covered in her own blood.

The red dress reached down to her knees when she first bought it. Now it must reach at least the middle of her thighs. Showing enough skin to look sexy.

"Such a beautiful dress" Jasmine whispered. "Such a shame to be wasted on me"

She took out the black heels from the bottom of the bag. At least 7 inches. She used to wear such high heels to be as tall as she was now.

The hat was the next thing she pulled out. A small red hat with a black veil falling 5 inches over her eyes. 

If she wore this outfit then people would start rumors that I was taking over Jasmine March's fashion statement from the 20's.

Even though Jasmine March was a happy woman she made her mark on the wall by wearing outfits fit for a funeral. A life ready for death. No one knew why. Some said it was depression. Some said she was making a statement. But only Jasmine knew that it was because she needed to be ready for death all day and all night. The rumors about her husband were true. He was a serial killer.

Jasmine blinked away her tears and slowly undressed fully. Taking an old fashioned lingerie set from the drawers. 

She looked into the mirror, staring at her body.

"I haven't changed much" She whispered.

Her mind wandered to her first time with James.

It was the night after their wedding.

She stood in that very spot, fidgeting in her corset. Nervous as all hell.

James had probably had made love to many women, Jasmine had thought. 

He probably will look at me and laugh, She had worried.

That night was scarred into her mind. James wasn't a perfect gentleman that night. He had put his own needs before hers. Fucking her in the most rough way she thought possible (at the time).

He hadn't realized what she was whispering at the time, but he realized she was begging him to stop.

Jasmine remembered how shocked he was to realized how bad he had hurt her. After that he started treating her like a queen.

Ya know. Until he murdered her.

Jasmine shimmied her way into the tight fitting dress. She had defiantly gained a little weight over the past years. She put on the heels and stared into the mirror.

"Make up" Jasmine whispered and went into the room.


"Will sweetheart can you go get me a drink" Elizabeth smiled as Will droned on about how rude Jasmine was.

"Of coarse"

"Where is she?" James asked scanning the room.

"I don't know. But it looks like her pet is here" Elizabeth nodded at a nervous looking Rose.

"I don't care about her unless she is under my queen" James waved her off still searching for the woman he craved for.

"James stop bothering the poor girl" Elizabeth glared at James.

This was the most they've spoke outside of the monthly dinners, in years and Elizabeth didn't like it.

James spun around to face Elizabeth.

"I have waited nearly 100 years to see my wife. Waiting for her to show herself. To awaken from the sleep I had put her into. But she didn't awake. Just like Cassandra. I thought they needed more time. Or they were hiding. But it turns out you my dear, had gave Jasmine immortal life. And who knows? Maybe Cassandra as well" James spit out the venomous words. 

"I never touched your daughter" Elizabeth glared, walking into the crowd.

The anger had finally subsided when James realized that people were clapping and whispering. He turned around to see what they were all staring at and couldn't believe what he saw.

It wasn't the woman he had watched last night.

It wasn't the woman who lived another life without him.

It wasn't the woman who hated him.

It was the woman he grew up with.

It was the woman he had murdered.

It was the woman called Jasmine March.

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