Chapter 2

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Hope you enjoy

I know you want uploads on the other books

I'm witing for inspiration

If you like short love stories read Late Summer Rain

It's really sad, I cried

Love you






Green light. Evil laugh. Womans scream.

I awoke the next morning to see Hagrid sprawled ungracefully on the couch and Harry was hugging the sleeve of Hagrids coat, drooling.

I chuckled as he drifted into reality at the sound of a pecking on the dusty window of the old shack. I opened it up and a small tawny owl flew in carrying a newspaper. Harry removed the paper but it kept pecking him.

"Pay him" Hagrid said drowsily.

"What?" I asked amused by the scene.

"Look in the pockets" he grumbled

I searched the pockets seeing slug repellent, keys, mothballs, teabags.. and finally a handful of strange coins.

"Give him five knuts" Hagrid said.

I snickered and Harry asked, "Knuts?"

"The 'ittle bronze uns" he said.

I counted them out and put them in the small leather pouch tied to the owls ankle. the biird then flew off through the open window.

Hagrid yawned loudly and stretched.

"Best be off, gotta go to London to get ya school stuff." He stated 

Hagrid began to pull on his boots, " but we haven't got any money" Harry said glumly. I began to feel down, what if we couldn't go?

"You don't think your parents left ya wif nuthin, they kept some money in the bank" he said

"Wizards have banks" Harry asked stupidly, I face palmed and shook my head.

"Just one, Gringotts. Run by goblins" Hagrid continued putting on his jacket.

"Goblins" I asked.

"Yep, you'd have to be crazy to rob it. Never mess with goblins. Safest place in the world, Gringotts except for maybe Hogwarts.

"I gotta go to Gringotts anyway, special business for Dumbledore" He drew himself up proudly. "He usually get's me to fetch important stuff. He trusts me, you see" 

We followed Hagrid out side and led us down to the boat.

"How did you get here" Harry asked

"Flew" I again chuckled at the image of Hagrid flying with his pink umbrella.

We settled down in the boats and Hagrid muttered something to Harry and tapped the side of the boat twice before it began to row itself.

"Why would you have to be crazy to rob Gringotts" I asked interested.

"Spells, enchantments," he opened the newspaper," Dragon's and it's hundreds of miles under London. You'd die of hunger tryin to find ya way round."

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