Kids who lived

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Yet another Harry Potter fan fic

I'm sorry if you want uploads

But it's so much work *groan*

I try to upload at least once a week

Love you lots






I groaned as the light penetrated my eyelids and the distant calling rang on deaf ears as I came to conciousness.

"JAMES!" Harry shouted shaking me by my bony shoulders.

"I'm up, I'm up" I held my hands up in defeat as he smiled and put on an oversized shirt with large ripped jeans.

My name is James Remus Black. Daughter of Sirius Black, god daughter of Remus Lupin and unfortunately named after James Potter. My mother was Lilly Potter's other sister, Rose.

I have unruly black hair that falls to my waist and piercing grey eyes from my father. On the underside of both my wrists I have the scar of an intricate skull.

Harry Potter is like my brother, he has messy black hair, green eyes and glasses. He also has a scar that is conveniately placed in the middle of his forehead.

"Freaks get out here now" I heard Petunia Dursley call from the kitchen.

I too got up and quickly dressed like Harry before we ducked out of the closet and made our way toward the kitchen.

When we arrived there was a pile of presents sitting on the table as Petunia paced around the floor surrounding them.

"About time, you start cooking breakfast for Duddies birthday" she commanded.

We set to work, well Harry set to work as I made jokes and he laughed as he cooked. It was funny seeing him dropping things because he spontaneously combusted into laughs.

"That awkward moment when you say bye to someone but both of you keep walking the same way

That awkward moment when you type ho instead of hi

That awkward moment when you go to shake someones hand and you miss

That awkward moment when a black kid says 'pass the skin colour pencil'

The awkward moment when you see someone walking towards you in the halls and how you both juke to the left/right and then continue to juke for 5 seconds before you finally pick a side

The awkward moment when a GPS tells a gay person to go straight.

The awkward moment when someones smiling and waving at you so you wave and smile back only to notice they were smiling and waving at the person behind you.. -.-

That awkward moment when you're crossing the street and the people in their cars are just staring at you..

That awkward moment when you go to pound the rock and they try to shake your hand instead.

That awkward moment when you walk into a closet and don't end up in Narnia

That awkward moment when you relize your life will never be as good as your sims

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