Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

“Nice to meet you.” Said James after he shook little Jimmy’s hand after Remus.

“You said your name is James right?” Jimmy asked, James nodded

“Yes.” He said proudly “Why do you ask?”

“Because my name is James too!” Jimmy said happily, James laughed and gave him a high five. Jimmy who still wasn’t letting them in the house; looked at each of them one at a time “Jimmy has never met any of Arianna’s friends before.”

“Well here we are.” Said Sirius proudly, James nodded

“Yep,” James said happily in agreement “And you’re in luck because we are Arianna’s best friends.”

“I thought Lily was Arianna’s best friend…” said Jimmy quietly “she’s the only one of her friends aside from you guys that I’ve met. She’s really nice and pretty.”

“You have good taste my fellow James.” James complimented with a wink; Remus looked at him with confusion, James rolled his eyes

“What? We have the same name!” said James, Remus just laughed

“Lily keeps talking about this other James,” said Jimmy; James’ eyes widened in excitement, he looked at Sirius who gave him a nod, permitting him to practically grab the boy by the shoulders and interrogate him.

“Really? What does she say?” James asked excitedly to Jimmy who just shrugged, getting tired of holding the door open

“She keeps complaining about how arrogant and big his head is.”

“Okaay I think that’s enough Prongs,” said Sirius pulling James back just as his jaw dropped, “So Jimmy, could you uh tell Arianna that we’re here and can you –“

“Jimmy? What are you doing there? I just fell asleep and –“ Sirius and Jimmy both look up to see Arianna standing by the living room door, wearing some jeans and a sweater with a book in hand “Sirius?”

“We’re here too!” James hollered, Arianna did her best not to roll her eyes. She walked up to Jimmy and carried him in her arms, she looked up at Sirius who was grinning, she did her best not smile “What the hell are you boys doing here?” she hissed; making sure her little cousin didn’t hear her or better yet her mother.

“Well that’s a nice way of greeting your boyfrie –“James started from beside Sirius

“Arianna?” Arianna who was carrying Jimmy turned around and saw her mother; who she thought was preparing their dinner. Her mother immediately saw The Marauders and was a little bit surprised “Why, are these your friends dear? Why didn’t you tell me they were coming?”

“Maybe because I didn’t know they were coming.” Arianna mumbled as she glared at Sirius who was now standing next to her, along with James and Remus, the front door closing behind them. Arianna took a deep breath as she walked up to her mum,

“Mum these are my…. Friends…” She said, gesturing to the Marauders who smiled warmly at her mother who smiled back at them. “This is Potte – I meant James,” said Arianna; almost calling James by his last name, James just grinned smugly at her slip up “This is Remus and this is Bla – I meant Sirius.”

“It’s nice to meet you Ma’am.” Said Sirius politely, extending his hand. Arianna’s mum shook it gladly,

“It’s very nice to meet you too,” she said warmly; she then looked at James and Remus “All of you.” The Marauders once again gave off their best smiles; Arianna personally thought she was the only one who thought the situation was awkward and annoying. Eventually her mum had to excuse herself to prepare their dinner and Arianna was left with her “friends” and Jimmy.

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