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Before May died.
Before when everything made sense.
Before when life was understandable.
Before when my path was clear.
Before Dad accepted this stupid job.
Before my life started changing all over again.
Before we left our home.
Before I said goodbye to my friends.
Before I said goodbye to my family still living in England.
Before I took Kiki by the hand and walked out the door.
Before Amelia was born.
Before we left England.
Before we stepped foot in America.
Before we opened the door of our new house.
Before I started my new school.
Before I met August Cantwell.
Before he brought out that guitar.
Before my world changed forever all over again.

Long Lasting Lyrics  | UNDER EDITING Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ