Chapter 2- the party

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"Uuuugh!" "Natsu wake up!we're here" Lucy poked the pink haired boy lying on the floor. Despite that mornings enthusiasm for the bus ride, Natsu's motion sickness had immediately got the better of him once the trip started. He spent the next hour and a bit being sick out the foggy window."I'm sorry Natsu your just immune to my spells." Wendy muttered the same spell over and over again but it made no difference to him. Suddenly a shadow appeared. It seemed to grow bigger and bigger as it came close to them. The shadow was a familiar shape, a shape that struck fear into the hearts of every man alive - Erza Scarlet. "NAATTTSUUU!" Erza screamed. Several moments later Natsu was being dragged out of the bus with his arms flailing. "Come on team. Let's move we need to meet the others."Why did Natsu have to be so infuriating? He was always provoking Gray. Always getting into trouble.

Both guilds were now sitting down in the meeting point. It was a huge emerald green tent big enough to fit four guilds inside. "Wow" Lucy exclaimed in awe. It was huge! People chatted amongst themselves excitedly. "Quiet please guys." Sting strutted into the guild with a smile on his face. The room went silent as everyone eagerly awaited the announcement. "It's time for the announcement now. Tonight, right here in this very tent, we will be having a party with some special guests." There was some exited murmurs and whispers. "The one and only BABYMETAL!" The room erupted into cheers. Makorov switched on the coloured lights and Mira wheeled in the drinks trolley. Makorov and had decided to let Erza and the rest or her team have alcohol deciding to ignore the incidents of Christmas Eve. However, this was a decision he was to regret very soon, similarly Sting would regret the decision he was about to make. "Hey Sting. I got you a drink. Want some ?" Yukino asked. "No it's fine, I'm not drinking tonight." But, as always Sting let himself be persuaded to drink. Just one glass he though to himself.

Several glasses later and Sting was a drunken mess. Crying loudly he spent the next half an hour spelling all his secrets and shouting about his problems to Wendy. But, unknown to him, Wendy had passed out ten minutes ago. "Ah yes, the emotional drunk" Carla stated. You owe me 30 Jewel. Lily grunted and reluctantly handed her the money. "Fine" he spat. Being her usual rude self Carla was making bets on who would be what type of drunk person. So far she had gained 105 Jewel whereas Lilly was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Makorov looked around the tent in horror. He had made a serious mistake. "Gajeel listen to me. I love you." His eyes widened with shock. He blushed and looked away. "Levy...stop. This is the wine talking isn't it. Don't say anything you'll regret." "But Gajeel-kun." She giggled loudly. Maybe she really does like me Gajeel thought. He wonderd what to do. He needed to give her an answer. "Levy...I lo-" Gajeel was cut of as Erza fell towards him at enormous speed and landed face first on the floor.

"Which one of you losers pushed me." Furious she stood up and glared at Natsu."It was you wasn't it flame face!" Erza kicked the boy in the face sending him flying into Gray. Gray knocked his drink and spilt it down Juvias new dress. There was a moment of silence- everyone waiting for Juvias reaction. "Gray-sama!" There was another brief pause. "Never mind. Juvia knows that Gray-sama would never do such a thing deliberately." Juvia then disappeared to the bathroom to clean herself up.

It took a while for the fight between Erza and Natsu to be resolved but luckily nobody got severely hurt although Natsu did hit his head. "Naaattssuu! Come talk to me I'm boooored" Lucy whined slurring her words. Natsu hobbled around the room. In her drunken state Lucy had decided to confess to Natsu that she likes him. "I wanna' tell u something" She said playfully. Everyone in the guild knew that Natsu liked Lucy. He could talk on and on about her- her big blue eyes that glisten in the sunlight, her smile that never failed to give him hope and her long golden hair. "What is it Lu?" He asked Lucy. However he didn't bother to wait for an answer. Hugging her tightly he leaned in and slowly kissed her soft lips. It was magical. Better than anything he could have dreamed of. There was no denying it; this was the best night of his life.

By now even more time had passed and Rouge had woken up, Sting however had just fallen asleep instead leaving Rouge to act as master while he was asleep. "Listen up all you lovesick teenagers, it's time for the real party to start." Rouge hiccuped and then continued to talk. "It's time for...the guild masters game" Angrily Makorov muttered something under his breath. This is exactly like Christmas Eve. How could Rouge be so stupid! Everyone in Magnolia had heard of the Christmas des aster and he couldn't bear to go through all that embarrassment again. "Rouge No! Stop it your drunk. You know this is a dreadful idea!" Yukino, one of the few sober people in the room, frantically tried to stop him. However, Rouge ignored her and continued to explain the rules. "Each one of these sticks is numberd, except for one. That one stick has the guild masters crest on it. Everyone pulls out a stick and whoever gets the guild master one can act as master.They get to order people to do things- for example they could say number 5 has to slap number 10" Most people in the room had blank expressions, no one understood what you did in the game except for a few people - Fairy tail team A and team B. They decided to show everyone else how to play by demonstrating.

Lucy's eyes widened with horror. couldn't be...Erza! Of all people Erza was known for being the most ruthless master ever. "Number 1 must kiss number 8" Juvia looked around for number 8, worried about who she would have to kiss. Suddenly she spotted it "GRAY-SAMA! Juvia will kiss Gray-sama!" She shrieked with delight. Gray smiled before leaning in for a kiss. Secretly Gray had hoped this would happen although he'd never admit it. The next person to be guild master was Cana "Right. Number 12 has to challenge me to a drinking contest" Yukino (number 12) slowly backed away. She had promised herself no to get drunk. She blushed awkwardly picked up her glass. There was no going back now.

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