Chapter 2

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Jared may have seemed calm, cool, and collected on the outside, but on the inside he was terrified. The last thing he could remember was the fight he had back in Texas with his parents when he decided he was sick of hiding who he truly was and told them he was gay. And now he was lying in the hospital in a different state, with no memories of the last five years, and this gorgeous man sitting next to him. He looked over at Jensen, he had the most intense green eyes he'd ever seen. You could just see every emotion he was feeling, even if Jensen smiled you could still see the pain and fear in his eyes. Jared was scared out of his mind at his current situation,  but when he looked in to Jensen's eyes he just felt safe. "...So for the last four years you have been working as a middle school teacher. Your kids are your life, they absolutely adore you." Jensen was trying his best to give Jared the basics for now.

"How did we meet Jensen?" Jared asked, he felt like this was one of the more important things he needed to know. "Umm well, we met at a bar. I was working part time as a bartender and you came in with your friend Chad. You were pretty drunk and started flirting with me." Jensen admitted. "Yep sounds about right. I get pretty flirty when I drink."Jared laughed. "Yea and very touchy I might add." Jensen smirked. "You kept coming over to my side of the bar and you would put you hand on top of mine while you ordered a drink or you would start stroking my face. At the end of the night you actually jumped over the bar and kissed me. I mean don't get me wrong I loved it because you were gorgeous but it wasn't until you came back the following week that I felt the need to take a chance on you." his eyes lit up as he remembered that second encounter with the tall gorgeous man. "You felt so bad about hopping over the bar and kissing me that you came back the following week with flowers and an apology. I told you that you didn't have anything to be sorry for and that I kinda enjoyed the kiss. You started to blush and gave me this smile that I swear melted my heart. It was from that moment, I knew I had to take a chance." Jensen sat there smiling and Jared felt his heart break a little. 

There was a knock on the door, in walked a petite black haired blue eyed nurse. "And how are we feeling today Mr. Padalecki?" the nurse asked as she walked over to check his vitals. Jensen sat back in the chair, he was grateful that the nurse came in when she did. She snapped him out of the past and back to his new reality. What if Jared never gets his memory back? What if he decides he doesn't want Jensen in his life anymore? Jensen's mind began running wild with the worst case scenarios. He couldn't bare the thought of not being with Jared. He was having a hard enough time right now just being his friend, not able to run his fingers through his boyfriends hair, or kiss him on his temple like he usually would when he woke up. But Jared needed a friend, he needed someone to help get his life back and Jensen knew that as hard as it was for him it must be so much worse for Jared. 

"Everything looks okay, are you starting to remember anything?" the nurse asked. "No nothing from the last few years, my friend here is helping me but so far nothing has triggered a memory." Jared said looking just as disappointed as Jensen. Friend? That was going to take some getting used to Jensen thought to himself. "Yeah I'm hoping once he comes home something there might help him remember." Jensen said, not realizing that there was now the strong possibility that Jared would feel uncomfortable living in the place they once called home. The nurse smiled and told them that she would be back in a few hours. They were left in an uncomfortable silence. After what seemed like forever Jared finally spoke. "So we live together I'm assuming?" he looked over at Jensen who was biting on his thumb nail looking anywhere but at Jared. "Yes. If you don't want me to stay there when you get out I'll go crash at my buddies place until I can find something else." Jensen was secretly hoping Jared wouldn't make him move out. "No way man, it's your place too. It's fine, just like having a roommate." A roommate? They went from lovers to roommates over night and that thought was making Jensen's stomach turn. 

Jensen's phone began to vibrate, saved by the bell he thought. "Hello? Oh hey Mrs. Padalecki." Jensen said as Jared's hazel eyes widened. "Oh okay, how long of a delay? he asked. "Actually Jared's awake if you want to talk to him." Jensen said as he tried to pass the phone over to Jared. He shook his head. "Mrs. Padalecki can you hang on a minute." Jensen pushed the mute button on the phone. "Come on Jay I know the last thing you remember was your fight but shes your momma and she seems like she is really concerned about you. Just give her a chance." Jensen insisted. Jared groaned and took the phone, "Yes mother?" Jared said coldly.  Jensen stood up and mouthed that he would be right back to Jared, and then proceeded to the bathroom. Jensen closed the door behind him, slid down against it and gasped as he tried to fight back his tears. He could still hear his boyfriend on the phone with his mother. "I'm fine. The doctors think I'll be able to go home in a few days." Jared explained trying to calm his crying mother down. He was still upset at the way things happened between them but Jensen was right, that was still his momma.

Home. Which home was Jared referring to? The one in Texas or the one he had here with Jensen. Jared thought it was best not to mention the memory loss over the phone, he didn't want his parents even more worried on their flight over. "No I think he's going to stay here with me until ya'll get here tomorrow morning. Yea he is very sweet" Jared smiled thinking about how kind Jensen had been to him through this horrible ordeal. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Jared hung up and looked around for Jensen. "Hey Jen you okay in there? Do you need me to come in after you?" Jared joked. Even without his memories Jared still managed to call his boyfriend by his nickname which just made Jensen cry even harder. He wiped the tears that streamed down his stubbled face and got up off the floor. "Be right out." he said as he walked to the sink to splash some cold water on his face. "Get it together. He needs you right now." Jensen said looking in to his reflection in the mirror. 

"Hey are you okay?" Jared could see that Jensen had been crying. He walked over to his chair and sat down, "Yea I'm fine, it's just my head kinda hurts still. And these stitches are itchy as hell." Jensen said as he rubbed his head. He hated lying to Jared but he didn't want to make matters worse and tell him what was really bothering him. "So where were we?" Jared tried changing the subject. "I actually think we should take a break. You need to rest Jay, close your eyes and get some sleep and we can pick this up later" Jensen suggested. "Will you stay with me? I know this must be so hard for you but I don't want to be alone right now. Please don't go" Jared pleaded. Jensen looked up to see the one look he hated and loved at the the same time. Jared had this look that when his tender smokey hazel green eyes would fill with desperation, his eyebrows turned up which made him look less like a 33 year old man and more like a lost puppy. 

Jensen couldn't resist, "Of course Jared I'm not going anywhere. The doctor had said it was okay if I stayed until you were discharged. Someone with amnesia may wake up scared or disoriented and it's best if they have someone to calm them down." he said as he placed his hand on top of Jared's. "Thank you Jensen. Seriously I know that we have known each other for years but for me this is brand new. Yet for some reason I just feel like the way you talk to me, touch me, I get the feeling that everything is going to be okay." He smiled back sweetly. God this was killing Jensen. All he wanted to do was lean over and kiss his boyfriends thin, pink lips. Instead he half smiled, sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. Maybe when they woke up he would have his Jared back. 

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