Chapter 1

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   "This can't be happening." Jensen thought, not for the first time, as he stood by helplessly while several doctors and nurses worked to save his boyfriends life. The events that had led to this moment on a constant replay in his head. It had been just like any other date night. He, and his boyfriend Jared, had just finished their weekly dinner at their favorite restaurant, Giuliana's. They were heading home, Jensen was singing along to the radio like he always did after a few glasses of wine. He caught Jared looking at him with almost amazement in his eyes and he'd smiled back shyly. Jared was always telling him that he couldn't believe that someone as perfect as Jensen would want to put up with his goofy ass for a week much less the last three years. He'd said that when his eyes had first connected with Jensen's he'd instantly known that he was someone special, that they were going to be something special. Jared always insisted that Jensen had the most beautiful green eyes that he had ever seen and that when Jensen smiled, I mean really smiled, those cute little crinkles at the corners of his eyes made him absolutely adorable. Jensen had always retorted 'What? Those crow's feet?', waving off Jared's compliment. But it had always secretly given him a warm feeling inside. He drew the line though when Jared told him that the dusting of freckles over his nose and cheeks always made him melt because that was just ridiculous. Because Jensen doesn't have freckles. Nope. And this always led to Jared teasing him that if he ever wanted to quit his job as a DJ he could easily become a model. Jensen was self-conscious about his looks and he knew Jared was aware of that. It was Jared's way of quietly reinforcing that Jensen was 'good enough' and that only made Jensen love him even more. He saw Jared glance over at him again and his breath hitched at the love he could see looking back at him. He leaned in to place a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek, and in that instant, everything went to hell.  

"Excuse me, Mr. Ackles? We really need to get you checked out by the doctor." a nurse said gently. Jensen didn't hear a word, it wasn't until he felt her hand on his shoulder that he even knew anybody was standing next to him. "Hmm? I'm sorry did you say something?" he whispered as he wiped tears from his majestic green eyes. "I know this must be difficult but we really need to make sure you don't have any internal bleeding or any other injuries. And the doctor is going to have to stitch up that cut on your head." she explained. Jensen didn't care about his head , the only thing he cared about right now was Jared. "Please let me see him, I need to be with him. He needs me right now." he begged. "They are about to bring him up to the O.R, you can walk with him to the elevator but then we really need to take care of your injuries." she stated. Jensen nodded in agreement as he followed the nurse to the closed door of the room his boyfriend had been in for what seemed like the longest twenty minutes of his life.

Moments later they wheeled Jared out on a gurney, and Jensen couldn't breathe. His beautiful boyfriend who was once so filled with light, that had a smile that could make you stop dead in your tracks, and dimples that could get Jensen to say yes to just about anything Jared asked of him, was now covered in blood and bruises. All he wanted to do was to see his boyfriends sparkling hazel green eyes looking up at him. Instead his boyfriend laid there, unconscious. "Can I hold his hand as we walk?" Jensen asked the doctor. He nodded as they proceeded to push the gurney down the hall, "You can talk to him if you'd like" the doctor suggested. Jensen took his boyfriends hand in to his, "Baby everything is going to be okay. These doctors are gonna take care of you and before you know it we're gonna be home and this will all just have been a bad dream. I'm going to be right here waiting for you when you wake up." he said as he brought Jared's hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "I love you so much Jay" he whispered in to his boyfriends ear as the elevator doors opened. He let go of Jared's hand and barely made it back to the nurses station before he completely broke down.

It's been five long hours since Jared was brought upstairs. He had let another doctor examine him and stitch up the gaping hole that was on the top of Jensen's head. Luckily there were no internal injuries. Jensen was pacing back and forth, every time he heard the elevator doors open his heart stopped as he looked to see if Jared's doctor was the one coming out. Dr. Collins stepped out of the elevator and walked over to Jensen. "So Jared's surgery went well, there were no complications. He had several cracked ribs, a broken hand, and he had a small bleed in his brain. We were able to stop the bleeding and we are very optimistic that he will fully recover. He's asleep now but you can go upstairs and wait for him to wake up if you'd like." Dr Collins offered. Jensen wiped his tears and hugged the man, "Thank you! Thank you for saving him. I don't know what I would have done if I lost him" he cried. Dr. Collins patted the young mans back, "It's my job, but I am glad that I was able to help. He's in room 224A, go on up and tell the nurse up there that I said it's okay if you wait with him" he said as he stepped out of the embrace. Jensen nodded and headed over to the elevator, he couldn't wait to get upstairs and see his boyfriends handsome face.

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