Chapter Two

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Jem's POV:

Will seemed to have left the room in quite a hurry. It makes me worry about him; all the dramatics he pulls. Although we've been Parabatai for a long time now, I fear that Will still has not opened up to me fully. It makes me sad that my own blood brother has such little faith in me. Or rather, I suppose he might just not be comfortable telling me what he's thinking all the time. Not everyone can be so open about our pain.

"You should go look for Will," Tessa snapped me out of my trance, "He seemed upset." Tessa's eyes were full if care when she mentioned Will's name. I could tell she fancied him. I don't blame her. Will has all the qualities of a hero; tall, handsome, strong and brave. Besides, Will was the one who rescued Tessa from the Dark Sisters.

"I'm much more concerned for you, Tessa," I took a seat on the chair next to her's, "Will can handle himself just fine. I want to be sure that none of Jessie's rings cut you too badly. It would be a shame for your pretty skin to scar. I watched as Tessa's face grew redder, and she flashed me a smile. I liked that I could make her smile.

"So, Charlotte," I turned towards Charlotte, who was now seated, speaking with her husband, "Was that the only reason you wanted Will and I to come here?" Charlotte frowned, then sighed a tired sigh.

"I wish it were," she held her head, as though trying to ease her unyielding headache, "It seems that The Magister has left us a little surprise. In the basement, I have a sample of one of his clockwork creatures. Henry has already examined them, and he wanted your and Will's opinion. Heaven knows why--"

"They've fought the things before, dear," Henry interupted earning a glare from his wife. He quickly stopped talking, and let Charlotte continue. 

"So, anyways. You and Will head down there at some point today or tomorrow and tell Henry what you think," she stood up from her seat, "And since Will left in such a rush, could you please hunt him down and tell him for me -- I don't care to do it myself and it'd be a shame to ask poor Sophie to do it."

"Of course," I answered, "I'd love to." I said a quick goodbye to Tessa before spinning on my heels and beginning to make my way to the library. When I got there, I immediately noticed Will. He was sitting in a chair, fast asleep with a book on his chest. The book was still open, suggesting he had fallen asleep while reading. I stifled a laugh when I saw him. How can someone who always makes such cocky remarks do something as pathetic as falling asleep in public?

"Will?" I whispered, tiptoeing towards my sleeping friend, "William. Wake up." Will didn't move an inch, nor did he react to my words. I removed the book from his torso, marking his page before placing the novel on the little table next to him. "Will," I repeated a little louder than the previous times, "William Herondale. Opens your eyes and stand up, we have artificial people to examine." This time, he did move. However, all he did was crinkle his nose. I sighed. I didn't like waking him up when he was this peaceful. Maybe I should just check it out myself... I'm sure Henry and Charlotte wouldn't mind. I've fought the creatures just as many times as Will has.

I gave Will a quick pat on the head and left the library. Although I can't stand the things, it might be fun to look at one up close.

"Master Jem?" I heard Sophie's gentle footsteps begin to approach me from behind, "What did Charlotte want? Where's Will?"

I turned around to face her when I spoke. The first feature that caught my attention was her thick scar, shining in the witchlight. However, I averted my gaze from it, and answered her questions, "Charlotte requested that Will and I take a look at one of the animatons of the Magister's making. But Will is sleeping, quite peacefully, so I didn't want to wake him."

"You're going yourself?"

"There's no harm in it," I smiled, "The things already dead. It can't harm me."

"If you insist, Master Jem," Sophie bowed down slightly in respect, "Just stay safe. And it's dark downstairs, bring your witchlight."

"I will. Thank you, Sophie."

After making my way to the basement, I strode over to the table on which the monster lay dead. Is was covered in large slash marks, which had been made by a Seraph blade. There was wiring coming out of the injuries, making it look a great deal less human than it once had. Holding my witchlight up to it, revealed the Ouroborous symbol on the side of it's neck. I can't believe humans can be so naive to meddle in a Shadowhunter's affairs.

I traced my finger over the creatures wounds. Some of the wires sparked, making me jump, but I kept looking. The situation was so nerve-wracking that the smallest sound made me flinch. I heard a mouse sweat somewhere off at the other side of the room, and quickly turned my head towards it. Calm down, James, I told myself, It's just a mou-- My arm was suddenly grabbed tightly as the animatron rose from it's deathbed, eyes glowing red with blood lust. 

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