“Sure,” I said.  “That can be our first real date.  How about that?”

“Sounds like a plan,” he said, and leaned down to kiss me.

I laughed against his lips and then pulled away.  “Okay, I would gladly stay here forever but I need to get home,” I said.  “I’ll see you tomorrow at school?”

“Of course,” he said, smiling.  I swear it hadn’t left his face.  “Then I can introduce everyone to my girlfriend.”

“That’s right, boyfriend, you can,” I said, and leaned up to give him a quick peck.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

On the drive home, I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.  And when I pulled into my place in the garage, Freddie was already standing in the doorway.  I knew that he knew something was up with me when we talked on the phone. 

“So,” he said as I walked toward him.  “What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing,” I said, smiling, and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

“Then why are you so happy?”  he asked.

“Just because,” I said.

Right when I walked past him, he pulled me around and looked at me straight in the eyes.  Whatever he was looking for, he found it there.

“Oh, my God,” he said, a grin spreading across his face.  “You and Ian are dating now, aren’t you?”

I just looked innocently up at him.  “Whatever do you mean, dear brother?” I asked in my English accent.

“You are!” he said.  “I knew it!”

I laughed.  “Why are you so happy that we are?”

“Because I knew this would happen.  When our parents first told us that we were moving back here, I knew that you and he would get together!”

“Then you approve?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

He sighed and hugged me.  “Of course, baby sister,” he said.  When he pulled back, he gasped.  “Dear God, he’s already branded you?”

My eyes went wide and I went inside to look in a mirror that was hanging up on the wall in the hallway leading from the garage door to the kitchen.  Sure enough, there was a love bite just below my ear on my neck. 

“Oh, God, how do I explain this?”

Freddie walked up behind me and I saw the mischievous grin on his face.  “I know,” he said, and then he started to sing, walking toward the kitchen where I knew my dad and Liz probably were, “Charlotte’s got a boyfriend, Charlotte’s got a boyfriend!”

“Freddie, shut up!” I yelled, running after him.  “How old are you, four?”

“Of course, darling,” he said, still walking toward the kitchen. 

I jumped on his back just as he was about to step into the kitchen.  I took down my ponytail so I could hide the love bite. 

Our cook Laurel was setting plates of food on the table where Dad and Liz were already sitting at. 

“Well, there you are,” Liz said when she looked up to see me and Freddie coming in. 

“Sorry,” I said, climbing down from Freddie’s back.  “I went for a run and then was handing out with Ian.”

Dad raised an eyebrow.  “So what’s going on with you two?” he asked, grabbing his fork. 

“Oh, nothing,” I said.  I could see the look Liz was giving me.  She always seemed to know when I wasn’t saying something important.  Damn her awesome mom superpowers. 

And Freddie didn’t help any either.  “Dating,” he coughed.  And just for it I smacked him upside the head. 

“You and Ian are dating?” Dad asked in a not-so-surprised voice.  “Well, it’s about time!”

If I had drunk any of my water, I think I would have spit it all over the table at his comment.  “What are you talking about?” I asked, staring at him wide-eyed.

“Come on, Charlotte,” Dad said, laughing.  “We always knew that you two would get together someday.  Everyone knew it.”

“Who knew this exactly?” I asked.

“Steven and Michelle,” he said.  “And me and your mother.”  He looked down for a moment before looking back at me.  “Your mother always wanted you and Ian to get together.  She would have loved it.”

“Dad…”  I said, grabbing his hand. 

Everyone was quiet for a moment and he squeezed my hand tight for a second before letting go. 

“Alright then,” he said.  “Let’s eat.”

I was still smiling at him when he looked back at me.  He grinned and started eating.


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