Louis' eyes are closed when I trace my thumb on his lips, feeling their softness and their wetness when he darts his tongue out to wet them. Sighing, my eyes move the wall clock behind him and I realise it is already one in the morning.

"I have to leave." I say quietly, looking back at Louis.

"No," he drags the word out in a whine. "Why do you always have to leave?"

Pouting slightly, I sigh and say, "I'm sorry, baby. I really have to go, it's so late."

"Then stay the night with me," he says, burying his face in my neck. "Liam's staying at his parents' tonight and I'll be alone." I literally feel him smirking against my skin.

"As tempting as that sounds," I say, gasping quietly when I feel him suddenly sucking the skin there. "I can't."

He hums in ignorance as he continues sucking, wetting and kissing, leaving me a whimpering mess.

"Louis," I plea, not exactly sure what I'm pleading for.

"Okay, sorry," he pulls away suddenly, pulling me off of him. "Off you go."

"That was not nice." I scowl, putting on my jacket.

"I know," he says, pressing a kiss to my cheek before pulling a jacket from behind the couch and putting it on.

"Where are you going?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows as I take the bag of Cheetos for Cronan.

"You're not walking alone in the middle of the night," he says casually, moving around the shop as he turns the lights off and takes his keys.

"No," I blurt out, already panicking at the thought. "I will walk, don't worry. Nothing's going to happen."

"Tallulah, it's one in the morning," Louis says. "There's no way in hell I'll let you walk alone."


"I let you go the other day, but I'm not letting you now. No way." He shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"Louis," I whine, pleading and praying that he would change his mind. "Please."

"Let's go, baby." He completely ignores me as he pushes me out of the shop.

I sigh and force myself to think that everything will be okay. He will just walk me to Alfredo and leave; he will not question anything or suspect something. Plus, I won't actually get inside the forest until he is out of sight.

Everything will be okay.

"Why won't you let me walk you?" Louis asks, putting his hands in the pocket of his jeans as I wrap my arms around myself. "You don't me to walk you?"

I frown and say, "of course not, Louis. It's just that you don't have to, I know the place here like the back of my hand, so nothing will happen."

"But it worries me when you walk alone," he says, briefly looking at me.

Sighing, I lift his arm up as I wrap mine around his torso and let his drop on my shoulder. With a kiss to his shoulder, I say, "you don't have to worry, I'm a strong one."

"I know," he gives me one of his gorgeous half smiles as he pulls me closer. "I just can't help it."

I sigh and then ask, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"I'm going to my mom's house," he says. "She and her husband are going out, so I have to stay with Phoebe and Daisy."

"Your sisters?" I ask and he nods. "How old are they?"

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