Chapter 9: A Broken Window

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Yep! So this is Tamara, hope you like it! Enjoy and don't forget to Comment and Vote! They give me hope to continue writing here! Thank you!

So after my little bout in the hospital, I was pretty normal. Went home, took a shower, and went to bed easily. But I can tell you it wasn't so in the morning.

CRASH! I woke up to the sound of shattering glass, immediately my head spun as I woke up dazed and still thinking I was dreaming until I heard footsteps on our hardwood floor downstairs. I jumped out of bed rubbing my eyes and grabbed my baseball bat that was in my closet.

As I hesitantly walked down the stairs in my pj's I gripped onto my bat as I hears rustling in the kitchen. I slowly raised it up and swung around the corner hitting my predecessor square in the stomach.... while intentionally screaming.

"Ummmppphhh" they fell over in the dark dropping cans and bags of all kinds of things, mainly food though. I couldn't get a clear look at them except for the fact it was a he.

"Well that's a nice way to greet your neighbor" he groaned on the floor

"MARTY! What the heck are you doing in my house! Why did you just break in" I yelled loudly until the lights flickered on

"AHHHHHH!" We both screamed as I saw my mother, a avocado mesh, matted hair, and pink robe wrapped around her, while looking sleepy and tired as if she had no sleep whatsoever.

"What's going on, did the milk man come?" She still had her eye caps on so she could hardly see.

"Why do you look like that?" Marty clung to me surprisingly! I pushed him off of me though knocking him back into the floor and leaving him moaning much more.

"What? It's my face mask is all" she shrugged "now what happened? Why did I hear screaming earlier, are you hurt Tamara?"

"It wasn't me who broke in" I replied.

"Who was it? Was it grandpa Joe again?" Yep she was tired if she still couldn't tell who it was.

"No Miss Anderson, this is Marty" he groaned still rolling around on the floor acting like a little child.

"I didn't even hit you that hard" I held my hand out for him which gladly he took

"Actually, it felt like getting hit by a truck" he exxagerated.

"Well you shouldn't be breaking into people's houses just to steal food."

"It's not what you think" he rolled his eyes

"Then please tell me, what is the reason?" my mom said after a few moments

"I can't, I promised I wouldn't say anything about him" why does this leave me with more questions?

"Oh, well why didn't you knock?" What? Why didn't Mom push that question further?

"Well I did, but none of you came to the door, I tried using the spare key but it wasn't where it was usually hidden, so I had to break in. It's a good thing you guys don't use alarms" he sighed while leaning against the wall.

"Wait, how come the key wasn't there?" Mom asked. But it wasn't directed at him, but at me.

"School project, but wait. Marty, you broke into our house and you can't tell us why? That's really low you know, and I could call the cops and I'm sure they can make you spill the beans" I changed subjects.

"No no, Tamara, he's answered enough questions tonight, no doubt the neighborhood will be inquiring then and we don't need that now do we?" Mom replied waving the whole thing off.

"What? So are you really just going to let this go? MOM HE JUST BROKE INTO OUR HOUSE!" I flung my arms around yelling.

"Tamara Eleanor Anderson! That's enough! Go to bed this instant!" She boomed through the house with an authoritive voice.

I was so angry, so confused. What was she hiding from me? Why? What was so bad that I couldn't know? "FINE!" My lungs burned as I stomped and trudged all the way back to my room which had just become my jail cell. And with that I slammed the door as loudly as I could.

"I'm so sick of all these secrets, all this depression around here!" I stormed around the room pissed off. Then I jumped on my bed and just let my pillow have it. My mom said not to wake the neighborhood? I bet my screaming woke up the whole city!

Enough was enough! I would find out why my dumb neighbor was doing here and for what, and for who too. I was going to find out what my mother was hiding from me. I'd be sure of it if it was the last thing I do.

The first thing to do was set out a plan, and right now I've got a pretty good one. I'd need some help though, and I know exactly who to use.....

Hi! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Pretty short but I thought it was kind of cool! So don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks! I don't know exactly what else to say because I'm socially awkward, but continue reading! :)

~ Abi ~

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