I wanted to know what is it that Chief would want to say after all. There is nothing left to say in this case after all.

"Hello Chief"

"Hi AJ"

"There is a problem with the connectivity. That is the reason I called."

"Solve the issue immediately. I don't like to just talk. The seriousness should be conveyed properly. Do you get me?"

"Yes sir"

"I got your mail. Is Daniel there?"

"Yes Chief. You can talk to him."

"Hello Daniel" says the voice

The Chief has a commanding voice.

"Hi Sir"

"I presume you have all the notes regarding the case with you"

"Yes sir"

"Can you please tell me what is it that you found out till now? I want the details from you first hand"

"That is going to take some time"

"I have all the time"


With that, I start telling him the details of the case I have been working upon, without a clue for the past six months.

This all started with the murder of a woman Veronica whose body was found by the workers of the Paper factory where it was thrown under the huge pipes in the coloring department. She had many cuts and bruises and the postmortem report states that she was hit by wooden log on the head multiple times. There was a huge blow to the stomach area and a gash on the thigh probably from a fall. Her state of organs indicate that she had been running before her death. She died under mysterious circumstances. 

She moved to Laketown recently. She was engaged to Vivian, the son of an employee of the same company. She was hail and healthy. She had friendly relations with all the neighbors. Nobody found anything suspicious with her behavior until the night of her death. At least nobody expressed. Veronica was supposed to marry Vivian. Vivian's dad David was very upset after listening to her plight.

According to David, Veronica never had access to enter into the coloring department. She was only allowed visitor pass to meet him and leave. David said that if Veronica had a spare key to his room, then he was not aware of that move.  And there are security access required to enter into other areas as well. A search into her property dint put any light into the matter.

 According to our team, initially we thought the place of her death is that same place where her body was found. But after receiving the postmortem report, it was concluded that there must be more than one crime scene. But we had no luck. At that time of night, the reason why she was there in the first place is unknown. If there is someone's involvement in getting her there, that is also unknown. Even with full cooperation of the employees there, I have a feeling, we are missing out on something crucial.

I started my investigation with the leads collected at the crime spot. A Rolex watch which belonged to Vivian, a folded piece of paper in which 'SULK MIX CLAY' was written. Till this day, we are unable to decode it.

The Rolex watch belonged to Vivian, who has witnesses claiming that she took it from him two days before the ordeal. So that was ruled out.

We moved on with the possible suspect that was her ex-lover who came clean after background checking, witness questioning and approved lie detection.

We were still not clear about the motive of the murder. So, we did some digging and found out that Veronica is an orphan and she moved from Duke to Heather four years ago. She came to Laketown one year ago. She spent much of her time with sisters and father Gabriel who was a voracious reader. Veronica had a fair share of books in her small library in the apartment to prove that she is an environmental activist. She used to work in the local coffee shop. Whenever she found time, she used to visit the greenhouse and volunteer to work. She did not have any other contacts other than people at her workplace, her neighborhood and the church. 

She did not have any targets nor was she anyone's according to her acquaintances. She was never involved in any kind of scuffle or drugs.

We have tried contacting her friends at college but everyone has only good to say about her. We need to decode the message to find out the motive or the person behind this murder.

The room was silent for a few moments after I completed the briefing. The chief spoke.

"As you have already did a fair amount of investigation into the matter, and did not come up with any motive or clue, I would rather suggest we put in more resource to help you in this case as this requires brainstorming and quick observation because things are never the way they seem to us. So, I assign an officer who will be leading this investigation along with you. Her name is Angel Stone. And she will report tomorrow."

AJ, who was very silent till this point spoke up

"Isn't Angel working on Michael's case? Why is she all of a sudden moved to Laketown?"

Chief was silent for some time.

"I believe we know what we are dealing with."

For whatever the reason, whoever is assigned, I have to again go through the process of getting this person acquainted with the case. But the good thing is that, as Chief said, more brainstorming. But something is off.


 Don't you want to know who it is! Read in my next update :P

Veronica's Death *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now