35: Browsing With the Boys

Start from the beginning

"They're guys," Yuma chuckled.

"Oh, please, you're trying to tell me that you and the girls don't do this kind of stuff when you hang out?" Gakupo said. Piko grabbed his salad bowl and scooped out some of the pasta and veggies, transferring them to one side of his plate. Gakupo snatched it back quickly. Some of the food almost fell.

I didn't bother saying anything and just let them do their thing, because I didn't really want them eating out of my stuff. That would be an unnecessary bother.

But they did it anyways. It started when Gakupo plucked a carrot out of my bowl. I stared and him and grabbed a slice of grilled eggplant from his. He grabbed a piece of chicken from Oliver's bowl and to compensate, Oliver took another carrot from mine.

"That's hardly fair, guys!" I said. They snickered and shrugged. Yuma watched quietly, sipping his coffee, which wasn't something you could exactly swipe some from. You'd have to grab the entire cup and take a swig.

I had barely finished processing that thought when Gakupo did just that, snatching the cup from Yuma and taking a gulp while the pink haired boy watched, blinking a few times.

"Hey..." Yuma began. "You owe me another one now."

Gakupo put the cup down and stuck his tongue out. "It's way too sweet," he said. "Now my mouth feels weird..."

"Hah," Yuma grinned, taking the cup back. "Serves you right, eh?"

He finished his drink and then excused himself, wanting to throw the cup out. We continued eating, and a few minutes passed like that. Then, our bowls and plates began to empty and we noticed the absence of Yuma.

"He's not at the trash place," said Oliver, so eloquently.

"Yeah, I can see that," Gakupo said, turning around and looking for him.

"Why are you guys so worried?" I asked. "Are you scared he's going to ditch you or something?"

"Nah, he's not like that," said Gakupo.

"Are you scared he's dead?" I asked.

"I wouldn't really care," said Gakupo.

"There he is!" Piko said, gesturing to a set of stools arranged near a pillar with tables.

He was laughing, walking along with a girl in a cute, oversized grey sweater and black pants. She was giggling, too. Gakupo groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. Piko and Oliver slumped a little as they watched him chatter away, too far and too deep in the crowds for us to hear the conversation, of course.

"This is ridiculous," Gakupo said. He started to eat again.

"She's cute..." Oliver mumbled, looking away. She really was cute.

"You know, this is kind of unfair," Piko said. "He said he was going to throw out his garbage, not chat up girls."

"Well, maybe it just happened," I said. "Girls just happen, you know?"

"Hey guys," Yuma said, walking up to the table and then taking a seat. He sat down and then yelped. "Ow!"

He looked under the table and pulled his left leg up, rubbing it. "Gakupo, that hurt."

"That was for bothering a girl," Gakupo said.

"Bothering? I didn't bother anyone," Yuma said. "We were just talking. She had a good time."

Gakupo crossed his arms. I glanced at all the guys, smiling at their expressions.

"What, it's not like I kept you guys waiting or something, right?" Yuma asked. I shook my head.

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