Chapter 2- On the Train

Start from the beginning

"If I can."

"So that's your strategy in the arena. Can you fight? Even if you're planning to avoid direct confrontation... What are you good at?"

"I can fight. My... my parents run the apothecary. I know a lot about plants and herbs, which are edible and which can be medicinal. I'm a fast runner. I have a good memory, and I've been told I'm cunning."

Claudia nods. "Good, you know yourself well. A couple years back, someone had a pre-Games strategy that worked well, and I think it'd work for you, too."

"What is it?"

"A girl named Johanna from 7 pretended to be weak and helpless. Cried a lot, got a very low score in training. But only a few days later, she turned out to be deadly. Someone attacked her, and she defended herself and revealed her skill to the audience."

"And that's what you suggest I do?"

"Yes. I don't know if you'll be able to be deadly, but you should be able to put your skills to use if you're able. Except don't act completely useless and feeble. You were a volunteer, people are bound to be curious about that and it'll be suspicious if you're totally incompetent. Be mediocre, but on the lower end. Don't attract attention at all. Be forgettable. We'll worry about sponsors later in the Games. I'll trust you to take care of yourself."

I nod. "Sounds good. Any advice for tonight and tomorrow?" The rest of the train rides and the chariot rides. It shouldn't be too difficult to not attract attention. I doubt that our costumes will be spectacular.

"Yes. Keep your mouth shut for the most part here, and do exactly what they say tomorrow. Let your stylist and team write you off as another tribute needing dressing."

I nod, and stand up. "Anything else?"

"That's it. Lunch is soon, Saria will get you for that. You can go back to your room if you want."


After dinner, there's a knock on my door. I open it, coming face to face with our escort.

"We were just about to watch the recap of the reapings," Saria states.

I nod, and we walk down the hall to the main room. I take a seat on the couch next to Claudia, not saying a word.

Saria turns on the gigantic television. After the Capitol seal appears on the screen, the District 1 reaping shows. A girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, Glimmer Secula, volunteers, and so does a boy, Marvel Goldens.

In District 2, we have more volunteers. Clove Sevina, a small girl with dark hair and a smug smile, and Cato Larek, muscular and tall.

District 3 is obviously not a Career district. Everything is dirty, probably from the factories. Both tributes are reaped. The boy, Sam, is scrawny but has an intelligent look in his eye.

Now, we watch District 4. The girl, Jillin Plaider, volunteers. The boy is only twelve. His name is Ethan, and he has very curly light brown hair. He wasn't a volunteer, he was reaped. Unusual. Districts 1, 2, and 4 are considered Career districts, and they train their tributes to volunteer when they're old enough.

Then it's time for District 5, Rift and I. Rift is hunched over, dejected, as he walks up to the stage. When I volunteer, the cameras swivel towards me as I trudge to the stage. We shake hands, and are led inside the Justice Building.

District Six. The transportation district. The girl, Camryn, has a sullen face and dirty blond hair. The male, Jason, looks to be somewhat strong. Nothing worth noting, except maybe Jason's strength.

In District 7, the girl looks similar to Camryn. Same hair and brown eyes. Jeyna, I think her name was.

District 8, the fabric District. The square is surrounded by factories, and like three, is dirty. The girl called, Chloe, has curly red hair and is a rather tall for a thirteen year old. She is a volunteer, unusual for District 8. She's either deadly or stupid.

Then District 9 comes on. The girl looks just like me! Her name is Alavia, and we look very similar. Her hair isn't quite as red as mine, a little darker, but we could pass for cousins, maybe siblings. Her partner, Destan, looks a lot like the boy from 7, but younger. I think fourteen.

Now, District 10. The male tribute, Jeremy, looks strong. Very strong. He's eighteen, and the same looks as Rift, Jacob, and Destan. Just older and stronger. But his foot is crippled, and that can turn the tables. He walks up to the stage, but can he run?

District 11, agriculture. The reapings are almost over. First up, a little girl called Rue Nolina. She's only twelve, the youngest girl so far. She's small, too, with curly black hair and dark skin. The male tribute, Thresh, is muscled. Probably stronger than Cato, Jason, or Jeremy. His skin is darker than Rue's, but they have the same hair, although his is shaved short. Thresh looks like the biggest threat yet.

Finally, District 12. The coal district, also the smallest and poorest. They haven't had a victor in 24 years. The one they have is a drunk. Makes sense. Bad mentor, less chances that they have a victor. But this district is interesting, for once. The escort, calls out, "Primrose Everdeen!" Everyone watches as a scared twelve year old approaches the stage. Then, an older girl, Katniss, starts to leave the pens and run to the stage, yelling for 'Prim'. Then, she volunteers for her. Interesting. The escorts remarks that they're sisters. After all that confusion is cleared, the boy's name is called. Peeta. He looks well-muscled too. After that, the screen shuts off.

"Well, that's it!" Saria says, clapping her hands. I sit quietly, and review my mental notes. Possible threats: besides the careers, Jason, Jeremy, Thresh, Peeta. And Chloe, either she's an idiot for volunteering or she's dangerous. But you can't tell much from a reaping.

Later that night, I lay on my bed and think. What is Fawn doing? Maybe homework. So she worrying about me? There's always a lull of a few days between the reaping and the opening ceremonies. I wonder where we are. Hmm. Standing up, I cross the room to the window. Shiny buildings and well paved roads. Looks like District 1 or 2. Looks like we'll be at the Capitol soon. I sigh and throw myself onto the bed, still in my clothes. After a little while, I fall into a deep sleep.

AN: If you're enjoying the story, feel free to comment or vote. Anything is appreciated!

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