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one – anxiety ridden teenager

"Don't forget to start reading ahead for extra credit!" Mrs. Klay shouted over the ringing of the bell as students scrambled out of the dull English classroom. Hailie gathered her books silently, pulling them to her chest as she sauntered over to the teacher's empty desk.

"Um, Mrs. Klay?" Hailie coughed, her hand twitching from her well-known anxiety peeking through. Mrs. Klay smiled warmly at her favorite student, she instantly searched through her brown book bag before handing Hailie a copy of Macbeth. The leather was cold as it was handed into the girl's shaky palm. "Thank you, Mrs. Klay."

"Of course, Hailie. Have a good summer." The elderly lady then proceeded to gather her extra copies of The Merchant of Venice and Romeo and Juliet.

The hallway was empty when Hailie slipped out of the English classroom, there was crinkled papers and streamers on the ground, something that you would see in High School Musical. The girl's feet padded around the corner towards her locker, her chestnut hair fell in her face sticking to her chapped lips. Brushing the fallen hair from her ponytail away, she put the combination into her lock and unlocked the dented metal door. Placing the copy of Macbeth and all her belongings into her book bag, which was mostly; lip-chap, sketch books and broken pencils, Hailie pulled her light black hoodie on and shut her locker door, exiting the building.

The smell of air freshener smacked into Hailie's nostrils as she entered her home. The bottom half of the house seemed vacant, causing Hailie to take a sit on the couch and get a head start on Macbeth.

Hailie was only two pages into the story before a tapping at the door interrupted her. Pressing her lips together, the girl closed her book and made her way to the door.

Peeling the door open, the image of a remote controlled wheelchair was sitting at the end of the staircase. Carl Gallagher sat with a sheepish smile upon his lips, as he dropped the stones onto the cement ground.

"Where did you get that?" Hailie questioned, brushing the loose hair behind her ear.

"Some old man who didn't need it anymore," The boy shrugged, a smirk planting itself on his face. "Come on, we're going to the pool."

Hailie's heart plummeted into her stomach, an uncomfortable feeling washed over her as her hands started to shake. Carl took note of the female's reaction, worry and sadness engulfed him. "Look, you don't have to swim or anything, just keep me company. Plus, Debbie will be there."

The brunette nodded, leaving the doorway to grab her book bag, which contained her necessities. A lipbalm, extra pencils, a black sketch book and other little things she liked to carry around. Especially, when she had no interest in where the destination was or what she will be doing.

Debbie talked the entire walk to the pool, filling Hailie and Carl in on her love/hate life with Matty. Being an excellent listener, Hailie nodded and gawked at the appropriate times need. Unlike Carl, who shook his head in disgust and made some disturbing comments whenever there was a pause between the two girls.

While Carl talked to Holly, and Debbie stared longingly at a mystery boy, Hailie sat uncomfortably in the sun. It was possibly because she was wearing a hoodie and black tights making her burn in the sunlight. Or, it was because she was getting weird or ignorant looks from other females. Most likely because she wasn't showing any skin, or because of the fact she sat with a book in her palm.

"I'm going to go talk to him." Debbie said in a trance like voice, standing from her chair and leaving before Hailie could answer. Hailie nodded, flipping the page of her book and squirmed around in the plastic chair. A shadow blocked the sun in front of the girl, causing Hailie to glance up.

"Aren't you hot?" The nasily voice of Holly questioned, her eyebrow raising as she silently judged the girl.

"N- No."

"It must suck having anxiety," Holly stated causally, as Hailie's blue eyes bulged out of her head. "Wouldn't it?" She asked the girls behind her, they both nodded agreeingly.

"H- How did you-u know?" The brunette stuttered, closing her book and clumsily standing from her chair.

From a distance, the two Gallagher's could feel the tension between the girls. Carl was the first to move over to them, the wheels moved slowly, as he avoided falling into the pool.

   "What's going on here, ladies?" The boy's voice asked questionably from beside his best friend. The shaking of Hailie's hands worried Carl – liked most of the time Hailie was put in social situations. The boy didn't get an answer, frankly, he didn't need one, he already knew what was going on.

   The Gallagher grabbed Hailie's hand, instantly relaxing her and him, while Holly's face scrunched up in disgust.

   "What the fuck?" The blonde shrieked outraged, "You were just making out with me, now all the sudden you're interested in this – in this, lesbian?!"

   Hailie's heart pounded, the whole public pool was staring at her. Mouths were twitching into smiles, pointing and laughing at the girl. It was almost as if her worst nightmare was coming true. Her hand was ripped from Carl's, reaching her book bag, she slung it over her shoulder, with wet tears running down her cheeks.

   "What the fuck, Holly?!" Carl shouted, "Why'd you gotta be such a bitch?!"

   Although it seemed like a tiny situation, Hailie felt like she had just be ruined.

   Hailie has spent her whole life under the radar. Never putting up her hand, never joining any sports teams or presenting in front of her class. She didn't like being the centre of attention. She hated it.

   Of course, being best friend's with Carl has helped her gain a form of popularity. But, it wasn't a lot, she didn't attend parties like him or date anyone. She didn't find anyone attractive for that matter, she wasn't really interested in anyone like some teenagers were. But she was perfectly fine with that.

this was just a filler chapter just so you can get to know the o/c
hope you enjoyed the first chapter..

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