Color & Concept

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Centuries upon Earth as a happy-go-lucky, mischief wreaking trickster had made the archangel Gabriel rather desensitized. Since he’d left Heaven in anguish he had cut ties with any and all emotion except for the joy it gave him to torture the godless sons of pigs called human beings, and because of that, Gabriel was the only angel so far in all of Heaven to never experience wing colorization. Angel’s were born mostly with white wings, except archangels, whose wings were naturally gold. However, an angels wings never stayed their original color long, they grew unique colors to them based on things said angels experience throughout their lifetime and how those events effected them. Gabriel hadn’t felt anything in so long that his wings just never changed color, which he didn’t mind. Gabriel liked the natural gold color of his wings, and never ever wanted to let pain and other feelings back into his life to see what hideous color it might change his feathers.

Of course…that was until he met a certain Winchester. Gabriel had been posing as a janitor at some stupid university for a while now, which was probably the greatest idea he’d ever had. All the superstitious college kids were the best to play with, the most gullible and naïve. Only issue was, there are only a few tricks here and there you can pull before hunters start sticking their noses in where it doesn’t belong, and that’s exactly what happened. Two insanely attractive men came lurking around after the incident where that jackass professor fell to his death…something Gabriel thought he was deserving of. He’d been watching the creep for weeks, sleeping with countless women in his office, some even students. Of course, the men that showed up would never know any of that, especially considering Gabriel was no fool and had heard about these two particular boys.

As he knew they would, they came knocking on his door poking around for answers and Gabriel was more than happy to play along. Problem was, when he showed them to the professor’s office, the taller one started asking him questions…and something Gabriel never in all his years thought would happen, hit him like a slap in the face.

“Where you working that night?” The sound of his voice sent a shiver up Gabriel’s spine and he was quickly lost in those big hazel puppy eyes that the hunter seemed to have. ‘So this is Sam Winchester…my god…’ He thought to himself.

“I’m the one that found him.” Gabriel was able to keep his nonchalant demeanor but he could feel something like gravity pulling him towards this man that he’d only just met, and he hated it.

“You see it happen?” Gabriel almost yelped at the burning sensation he was now feeling along his vessels spine but held it in and managed to choke out “Nope, I just saw him come up here and…” He looked down at the floor as if he were embarrassed to finish that sentence, when truthfully he was afraid he’d scream out in pain. Sam smiled curiously.

“What?” Gabriel about died right there on the spot, the smile somehow seeming to intensify the pain.

“He wasn’t alone. I told the cops about it but, uh…I guess they never found her.” There was that smile again….if he didn’t stop that Gabriel was going to end up having to pretend to faint to get rid of them or something….or faint for real, which was also a pretty good possibility at this point.

“You saw this girl go in…but did you ever see her come out?” Gabriel shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek as hard as he could and praying they’d just leave him alone.

“Now that you mention it, no.” Gabriel tried to keep his answer brief but the questions just seemed to keep pouring out of the younger Winchester. ‘Kiddo, you’re adorable but if you don’t soon go away…’ Gabriel mused inside his head, struggling to keep his cool.

“Did you ever see her before or around?” Gabriel sighed and forced a goofy smile.

“Not her,” The older Winchester, who had been silently stuffing his face decided to interrupt.

Supernatural: Sabriel WeekWhere stories live. Discover now